P1 Learning Grid Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Primary 1. Here starts our last week of term. How time flies! Please find below the link to the grid and resources for this week. NOTE TO PARENTS: For the Science experiments Please save your ink and do not to print off these sheets, as it will use a lot of ink. Use a laptop or device to read the instructions.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-22nd June (1)

addition to 10 and 20 mosaics

Chiming Fork

Floating ball Game

Making Butter

Roll, add and Colour

Soap Powered Fish

Here are two additional fun activities that you might like to do.

Fish Bowl Spinner

Shark Flickbook

This week is also week 2 of Fitness Fortnight. Feel free to complete activities from the health pack posted last week.

Have a lovely week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith x