All posts by Miss Whigham

P3 Home Learning Wednesday 24.6.20

Good morning Primary 3, I can’t believe that this is our last week of the school session! I just want to say that it has been a pleasure to teach you again this year. You have achieved so much and I am very proud of you. I wish you all the best as you move on to Primary 4.

Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the answers to the activities in your jotter or on the sheets if you are able to print them.

Have a great summer P3!

Miss Whigham

Here are the links to today’s activities:

End of the year writing activity sheet

Multiplication Word Problem Thinkboard Activity Sheet

All about me looking after yourself powerpoint

All about me looking after yourself activity sheets

Summer sensory poem activity sheet

Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 17.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are enjoying health and fitness fortnight. Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets if you are able to print them.

Maths – Healthy eating addition and subtraction maths activity. Please complete one of the activity sheets. Choose the one that challenges you the most! Please find attached a 100 square grid to help you.

Literacy – Fact or opinion? Have a look at the power point attached. Can you work out which of the statements are facts or opinions? Are you able to make up your own fact or opinion statements? Please write the answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

RME – We often think about how we can be kind to others. Have you ever thought about how you can be kind to yourself?

French – French sports and hobbies

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Healthy eating addition and subtraction facts up to 100 maths mosaic activity

100 Square

Fact or opinion powerpoint

Being kind to yourself activity sheet

Lesson Presentation Sports

Different sports snap card game French





Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 10.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are all having a good week. It was lovely to see your home learning photos that Mrs love shared on the school blog. Keep up the wonderful work!

Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need to complete them.

Maths – Today we are learning how to measure capacity in litres and millilitres. Have a look at the power point that I have attached. This will  help you complete the activity sheets. Remember we use litres to measure larger capacities and millilitres to measure smaller capacities. We know there are 1000 millilitres in 1litre. Can you work out how many millilitres there would be in half a litre?

Literacy – Please complete the quotation marks activity sheet. Quotation marks are another name for speech marks.

RME –  Things that make me happy drawing activity.

French – French food game and activity sheet. You will need a dice to play the game.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham


Presentation – Litres and Millilitres

Activity Sheet – How Many Litres?

Activity Sheet – How Many Millilitres?

Quotation marks activity sheet

Food board game French

Food and drink activity sheet English French

Things that make me happy activity sheet



P3 Home Learning Wednesday 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are all well and having a good week.

Here are your home learning activities and resources for today. There are lots of activities to keep you busy. You can record the the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets listed if you are able to print them.

Maths – We are continuing our learning about capacity. Remember capacity is the amount that a container can hold. Today we are learning about litres and millilitres. We use litres to measure larger capacities and millilitres to measure very small capacities (1000 millilitres = 1 litre).

Literacy –  Have a look at the power point to revise last week’s lesson about speech marks and complete the activities on the slides. You will need your jotter or a piece of paper for this task.

RME – Kindness handprint heart. This is a nice activity that you can do with your family.

French – Today we are learning how to say what we like to eat and don’t like to eat in French. Use the power point below to help you to complete the activity sheet.

Take care

Miss Whigham

Capacity power point

Investigating capacity activity

Speech Marks Presentation

Kindness handprint heart craft instructions

French Food Presentation

French Food worksheet



Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 27.5.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you have had a good start to your week and have been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

Here are your Home Learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets listed if you are able to print them.

Have a lovely day!

Miss Whigham

Maths – Today we begin a new topic about capacity. Capacity is the amount that a container can hold. Please complete the  activities attached ‘Measuring capacity at home’.

Literacy – When do we use speech marks in writing? Speech marks are a piece of punctuation which go around the actual words that someone says. Have a look at the power point which explains this further and complete the activities on the slides. You will need your jotter or a piece of paper for this task.

French – Please play the bingo game with your family to revise the names of different food in French.  Also have a look at this video clip on youtube ‘Learn French with Alexa’ (Salty Food French).

RME – Complete the activity sheet ‘What makes me special’. You can draw or write in the bubbles or have a mixture of both.

Measuring capacity home learning

French bingo boards

French bingo cards

‘What makes me special’ activity sheet.

Speech Marks Starter Power Point

Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 20.5.20

Good morning Primary 3! I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. Many thanks to those of you who shared their home learning from last week, it was lovely to hear from you!

Here are your home learning activities and resources for today. Please remember if you don’t have a printer at home you can use your jotter or paper to write your answers.

Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Whigham

Maths – Today we are revising coordinates. Remember coordinates are a set of numbers or numbers and letters together that show you a position on a map. They can help you find a specific place or object you are looking for. Have a look at the power point then try one of the activity sheets.

Literacy – Please complete the Literacy game which revises full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. Next week we will be learning about speech marks!

RME – Can you find out about another parable that Jesus told? Design and colour your own cartoon strip re-telling the story.

French – We are starting a new topic in French about French food and drink. The power point will help you to complete the matching activity.

Coordinates power point

Differentiated Zoo Coordinates Home Learning Task

French Food Power point

French Food Matching Words Worksheet

Using a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark to punctuate a sentence game.

Comic strip activity.

Primary 4 Science WB. 18.5.20

Good morning Primary 4! I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend.

Our Science challenge this week follows on from our learning about dissolving. I would like you to do an investigation into Saturation Points. Full instructions are on the activity sheet which is included in your Learning at Home Grid.

I would love to hear from you through a message or photos sent of your learning.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham