Happy Earth Day!
Here is the plan and the necessary documents for Wednesday.
Earth Day Reading Comprehension
Earth Day Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
Happy Earth Day!
Here is the plan and the necessary documents for Wednesday.
Earth Day Reading Comprehension
Earth Day Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
Here is a plan for Tuesday learning. Remember it is just a guide and there is plenty other learning you can if this plan doesn’t fit in with your situation.
I hope you have all had a lovely holiday. Even though we were not able to do all the things we usually do, I hope you were able to take advantage of some of the sunny weather to do your daily exercise with your family.
I am still putting together plans for the week ahead, but here is a plan for Monday 20th April and the documents you will need.
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you for hanging on in there as we all try to adjust to our new way of living and learning. I know that for me it feels as if every time I get used to something new, I end up finding another 2 things that I still have to learn about. Well done for all the resourceful ways you are finding to show me your learning.
I have set all these reading activities as Assignments in Teams, but I know that sometimes it is easier to access files on here. You only do the activity that is for your reading group.
Please check the Weekly Plan Week 2 first as it sets out the expectations for learning this week. It also has links for the websites you will need to access to make the most of your learning. Week 1 files are still available on earlier Blog posts and also on Teams.
Core Maths:
Maths Starters – one slide each day
Monday – Fractions on a number line
Thursday – Fractions of a set of objects
Tuesday – Fractions of a set of objects
Wednesday – Fractions of a set of objects
Additional Maths:
Addition and Subtraction Maths Problem Search 1
Addition and Subtraction Maths Problem Search 2
Multiplication and Division Maths Problem Search 1
Multiplication and Division Maths Problem Search 2
Thinking Skills:
Monday – How Many Ways Can You 2
Thursday – What is the Answer 2
Additional Activities:
Wordsearch Disney-animated-movies
I am currently trying to reorganise the files for Primary 4 on Teams. It is proving to be a frustrating process as many of you will have experienced. So here are some more files you can be working through in the meantime. W03 is for today, W04 for Thursday and W05 for Friday.
Y3 Spring Block 2 WO3 Add money 2019
Y3 Spring Block 2 WO4 Subtract money 2019
Y3 Spring Block 2 WO5 Give change 2019
The following are sheets for extra practise. Sheet 1 are more straightforward, sheet 3 need more thought.
3digit minus 2digit subtraction_1
3digit minus 2digit subtraction_2
Here are some documents to help you learn this week. I’m hoping you will be able to access them better from here than from Teams. If you can’t, then as always don’t worry. There are lots of other things you can do.
Y3 Spring Block 2 WO1 Pounds and pence 2019
Y3 Spring Block 2 WO2 Convert pounds and pence 2019
Year-3-Spring-Block-2-FB4 pupils
Thinking Skills How Many Ways Can You 1
Stuck for what to read? Go on Epic! and challenge yourself to read something for every day on this calendar…
O – I enjoyed the maths this morning. I enjoyed that it was kind of challenging but kind of easy at the same time. The challenging bit was a question about multiplication. The easy one was the adding and taking away.
A – I enjoyed dressing up as Joy from Inside Out today.
A – My favourite thing about this week was when we got to bring something to do with our characters so I brought Toothless. Toothless and me liked playing catch Toothless.
J – I was really happy when I got two weeks in a row of levelling up in maths. Now I’m on CLIC 11.
F – I enjoyed the assembly about World Book Day. I liked it when people were sharing about their favourite stories. I was surprised about Mrs Mill dressing up as Maleficent. It didn’t look like her.
H – I enjoyed having the food and dressing up.
J – I liked Drop Everything and Read and I liked dressing up and the food.
L – I liked when we got the iPads out and did Sumdog.
H – I was surprised when I got chosen to be Special Person by Miss Whigham.
L – I enjoyed yesterday when we switched teachers and they got to read stories to us. Mrs Brodie read Toto and the Wizard of Oz.
Lots of maths again this week. We are working on division using an exchange, partitioning, or whole-part models.
We have recapped on the information we learned about Victorian Life from Mrs Liddel’s visit last week. We have focussed on school life in class.
We have completed a second draft of our Procedure writing, making lots of improvements.
O – I enjoyed the maths yesterday. I enjoyed how it was challenging. It was division.
L – I enjoyed the assembly to see how other people’s worries go away when you say them out loud.
H – I enjoyed when we drew a worry bag yesterday. It helped to get the worries out of your head.
L – I enjoyed the bake sale today.
F – I liked learning about Victorian Schools because I didn’t know about it before. It was interesting about the dunce hat.
L – I liked the writing we did about making a recipe for shortbread.
J – I liked the bake sale.
We did lots of different things this week. We have begun to put our profiles on Didbook. We had the computers to do some research on Italy for our Scotland Loves Languages Week. We have had a good think about what we want to know about the Victorians. Lots more multiplication and division in maths, focussing on column multiplication.
L – I liked the bit when we needed to write about what we know or want to know about the Victorians.
E – I enjoyed going on Didbook
J – I liked maths where we were doing it on the whiteboards and we all had to show the answers at the same time.
R – I liked when we did the posters and found out about Italy and did research.
A – I liked doing my profile on Didbook when I wrote my favourite superhero. It was fun.
S – I enjoyed to go on Didbook and fill in my details.
O – I liked when we did the research on Italy. In our group we found out that the volcano Vesuvius was over 300000 years old.
E – I liked the assembly today because I got a certificate for pupil of the week. I feel quite proud.
Please return EE2 and money for the badminton festival as soon as possible.