P1 Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Good Morning. Please find below the link to this week’s learning grid and resources.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-15th June




au-t-3963–loggerhead-sea-turtle-life-cycle-activity-sheet-_ver_2 Under the sea – Compare Turtles and Tortoises

Just a wee reminder today(15th June) is Sports Day. Please see blog post from Friday for details. Look forward to seeing your photos.

Have a lovely week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith x

12.6.20 P1 Sharing Their Learning

Despite the weather, our children have been as busy as ever. What a fantastic week of home learning and having fun.

Let’s see what we are proud of:


















So great to see all the sharing going on. Well done.



What has been a learning challenge?



















What has been great fun?


























What have we been reading?












I wonder what next week will bring?

P2/1 Home Learning Weekly Reflection Week Ending 12th June 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. Another busy week has past. I have heard of and seen photos of lots of different learning this week such as making banana bread, taking part in science experiments, writing spelling words inside of shapes, having fair share tea parties, learning about question marks to learning tongue twisters.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘ear’ sound and the tricky word ‘once’. For literacy we have been writing our spelling words inside shapes, using musical instruments to help us sing our words, making beards and playing buried treasure.


In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on sharing. We have been sharing food equally in order to feed the baby owlets, watching Elmo videos, holding tea parties for 3 toys or our family and sharing food equally and acting out the story of The Doorbell Rang.

P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘oo’ spelling pattern, learning about and using question marks, using our senses to complete activities 3 and 4 from our observation alphabet outdoor learning booklets and learning the months of the year in French by watching a video then playing snakes and ladders.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was on counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and adding equal groups. We have completed 2x table wheels, counting in 5s and 10s worksheets and took part in Friday Maths challenge which was provided by the BBC Bitesize and Premier League stars.


For our Under the Sea project we have been learning about different types of shells. We watched and listened to the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson, tried to write our own riddles, learned the tongue twister she sells sea shells by the sea shore, drew pictures of shells, played Kim’s game and watched the video what are shells?

For science this week we have been exploring the life cycle of a chicken. We looked at a PowerPoint all about the different stages of the life cycle of a chicken, wrote about the life cycle of a chicken and made a chick hatching out of an egg.

Here are a selection of photos of the learning this week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x

P6 This Week- 12.6.20

Some wonderful learning going on again this week by P6! Lots of well-structured explanation texts about the Wish Granter were submitted, showing attention to the success criteria. Progress was made with learning about scale and data handling, with lots of care being shown to be accurate. We came to the end of our novel; Millions and from the reviews and Sways that have been submitted, it was a hit with P6.

Thank you to the people who have shared their Time Capsule content. Please remember to do this before the end of the term.

Virtual Sport’s day and Fitness Fortnight starts on Monday!

See all the information in our class TEAM.

P4 Reflection

It was great to talk to so many of you on our Teams Meet today. It is the best part of my week when I get to talk to you all.

Once again you have all been very very busy. I am so impressed by how much maths you are getting through. Well done! Your posters about how to store medicine safely are super and full of good advice. The creativity shown in your designs inspired by African patterns is amazing. This is one very proud teacher here.

Here are a few of your comments from the week:

Freya – I liked spelling.  I just like practising it over and over again so you don’t have to think about it any more.

Lakshya – I enjoyed doing flashback cards, comparing fractions and the fact families (multiplication and division).

Olly – I enjoyed doing adding, multiplying and division. I also liked doing Epic and medicine poster.

Sophie – I enjoyed comparing fractions because it was fun 😁

I hope you all have a great weekend and build up all your energy so that you are ready for our Health Fortnight and Sports Day. Go P4!

P7 Final Two Week Plan

Hi Primary 7 
It was nice chatting to you today.  Sports Day and Fitness Fortnight grids are attached.  There will be no other grid posted next week as I know many of you are busy with transition tasks or visits.  If you are looking for other things to do, look back on previous grids and in the Files section on Teams as there’s loads of tasks which haven’t been completed yet.
Information about downloading Minecraft for the last week can be found on Teams.
To set up a FREE Kahoot account, visit: https://create.kahoot.it/register
(Kahoot! youtube channel has videos which explain how to make a quiz if you get stuck – https://youtu.be/myFpKkTLCYQ)


At Home Sports Day and Fitness Fortnight 2020

Good Morning

Please find below the links to the At home sports day pack and Fitness fortnight pack. Monday 15th June is the day for our at home sports day. It is also the beginning of Fitness Fortnight. I am sending out the links to you today so that you can prepare over the weekend. Please remember to share your photos with us by emailing them to your teacher. There is a form included in the pack for sharing your scores with the school.

At Home Sports Day:


Fitness Fortnight:


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan x

Primary 3 – Friday 12/06/2020

Good morning Primary 3,

As we approach the final two weeks of Primary 3, this also means the end of our flight topic. Your task for today P3, is to complete the evaluation form attached to give your feedback on our topic as it draws to a close.

I hope you have enjoyed this topic and although we were not able to do tasks as originally planned, that you have learned lots of new things about flight.

Flight topic evaluation

Many thanks and have a great weekend.

Mrs Love