P3 Friday 22.05.2020

Good morning Primary 3.

It is Friday, I will be posting up your photos to share with everyone today with all of your hard work over the last few weeks.

The Council has asked if parents could fill in this questionnaire about home learning since lock down, if you could take some time to complete this before the 26th please, that would be great: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUNk80TkYxMDlGMjI1R1RPV1k4VTVDNEs3NC4u

Here is your Maths activities for today:

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Worksheet 3

We are consolidating our knowledge of less than, more than and equal to (<>=) today. I hope you enjoy. Please choose one or all worksheets and if you have any problems, please get in touch.

I hope you have a lovely weekend when it comes!

Mrs Love

West Lothian Recovery Plan Survey

As part of the West Lothian recovery plan, the council would like to hear the views of parents and pupils.  Please could you take a couple of minutes to help your child answer the pupil survey. Here is the link

West Lothian Council would also like to hear your views. Please can you take a few minutes to complete the parents survey. Here is the link

Thank you

Miss Maclachlan

West Lothian Recovery Plan Survey

As part of the West Lothian recovery plan, the council would like to hear the views of parents and pupils.

P4-7 pupils can access their survey through their TEAMs.

Parents can access the survey through this link:

http://Parents – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUNk80TkYxMDlGMjI1R1RPV1k4VTVDNEs3NC4u

Thank you for taking the time to share your views.