This week in P7…

Primary 7 have shared what they’ve been up to over the bank holiday and also some of the things they’ve been learning at home.


This week I’ve been going cycling every day, baking a sponge cake with my mum, painting the shed with my parents, having a barbecue with toasted marshmallows, and making pizza. My pizza and the cake tasted delicious, the barbecue and marshmallows I had were just yummy (I made the burgers on the barbecue myself).  I really enjoyed being outside and just having fun with my parents. – Hayley B


This week I enjoyed playing Xbox and went outside a bit.  I also went to a village near Fife to see my dad’s friend who cleans his tires for his bike. – Finlay


This week I enjoyed doing some art, going outside for a little bit in the car with my brother, having a little free time and playing games. – Sri


This week I enjoyed playing basketball and playing Xbox, and I go outside every day. – Zoe



This week I enjoyed going on my bike every day and playing on my Xbox.  I also made scones. – Logan Y

This week I enjoyed chatting with my German friend through discord and painting the outside table and chairs. – Aiden

This week I enjoyed playing with my cat and also playing online and learning new things online. – Murray


I have been sleeping, playing Xbox and playstation and doing card tricks. – Logan F


This week I’ve enjoyed going on cycles and playing xbox with my friends. – Cameron


I went outside and took a nap on Wednesday because it was warm and I enjoyed Facetiming my friend. – Katy


I have done lots of work and work and work and work. – Matthew


I have been making banana loaf. – Jamie


On Monday me and my sibling went into the pool and we were throwing water balloons at each other then we had a slip and slide and I spent the night watching movies with my family.  – Natalie


I was helping my dad fix his car and I also put new brake pads on my bike.  I also enjoyed having a BBQ and firepit.  – Calum W

P2/1 Home Learning Reflection Week Ending 8th May 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. What a quick week that was.  Lots of learning has been taking place formal or informal. I have heard of river walks, bug hotels been added too, apples being quartered and bug hunts taking place.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘ai’ sound and the tricky word ‘there’. For literacy we have been writing our spelling words in rainbow colours, making ai words by cutting and sticking and playing popping balloons.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on fractions. We drew 3 circles, squares and triangles; we marked one shape a whole, one a half and the last one a quarter. We made our lunch or snack whilst exploring halves and quarters. Lastly we went on a fraction hunt either around our house or when out walking.

P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘th’ spelling pattern, learning about verbs, making predictions about the book we were reading or learning colours in French.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week for P2 was exploring number bonds to 20. We used ten frames, part whole model, number sentences and the counting on strategy to help us.

We have imagined we were under the sea this week and explored what we could see, hear, touch and how we would feel. Some of us have also made kaleidoscopes. In Science, we labelled parts of an insect.

Here is a selection of photos of the learning this week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x

Learning from Home Week 5 Reflection

Another busy week for the P4 pupils even though school was only 3 days. Once again I am hearing about lots of gardening, baking and crafts. Keep it up! Many of us were able to take our school learning into the garden on the beautiful sunny days we had. We had a 2 minute silence at 11 am this morning to commemorate VE Day. I know that lots of you weren’t able to join us online, but managed to do it at home anyway. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Here are some of the pupil comments this week:

Luke – I liked the maths this week. I have enjoyed because It helped me understand fractions and now I’m really good at them. I also liked learning about Africa.

Rhys – I liked Maths this week it was fun and a wee bit difficult at the same time 😀 The tricky bit was when we had to work out equivalent fractions to put them in order. The fun bit was when working out the < > and= to fractions.

Harris – I liked colour by numbers multiplication picture. It turned out to be a highland dancer. It was from Robert Burns Day.

Sophie – I enjoyed doing read theory because I learned about killer whales and they are actually orcas.

Olly – This week I have done spelling, fractions, decimals, Sumdog and reading.

Freya – I liked maths too it was hard but fun.

P6 This Week (8.5.20)

P6 had an active week with lots going for walks and cycles with families. Many have been busy creating sundials linked to their learning about Ramadan.

Some people enjoyed a webinar with STEM ambassadors; Pam Anderson and Jeremy Curtis, where they learned about their careers and the skills needed for a variety of jobs in the space industry. For those who missed it, the video will be available on Youtube shortly.

In reading, most people are enjoying Millions by Frank Cotrell-Boyce and are keen to find out if the boys manage to spend all the money in time.

Thanks to everyone who made it along  to the TEAMs Friday Sharing chat- it was great to hear from you all!

P3 8/5/2020

Good morning Primary 3,

As you may know, it is VE Day today. As a sign of respect for those who fought in WW2, there will be a two minute silence at 11am. If we had been in school, this would be something we would have done in class.

I have included a powerpoint to explain VE day to the children: T2-H-4788-VE-Day-Powerpoint_ver_7

And a colouring sheet for the children to do if they would like to mark VE Day: t-tp-69696-ks1-ve-day-colouring-page

Here is today’s Maths sheets:



Enjoy your day and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Love