P3 Friday 29.05.2020

Good morning Primary 3,

It is Friday today! The First Minister has changed lock down rules a little as of today. You may now visit family or close friends, no more than eight people at a time, whilst maintaining a two metre distance outside. The weather is to continue to be sunny and warm this weekend and I am sure many of you (as will I!) be meeting up with those people we have not seen for over two months, such as grandparents etc. I hope you will be enjoying the lovely weather and having barbecues in gardens and fun in the sun with your loved ones.

Today I will not be setting you a Maths task, I would like you to write a letter to each person you will be meeting up with in the next little while, explaining how you feel about them and why you have missed them. Take a photo with flat Mrs Love, send it to me via email or Twitter and then when you meet up with your loved ones it will be a lovely gift to give them to show them how much they mean to you.

Here is a template I have created for you to use with some sentence starters or you could use this as an example to create your own. You are welcome to colour in and draw lovely pictures on the letter before giving them to loved ones.

Lockdown letter

If you do not have plans for meeting family. Use the template for an example and write your own thank you letter to someone who has been looking after you over the past few months, explaining why you are thanking them.

Remember to send me photos over, I can’t wait to see your lovely letters!


Mrs Love

P3 28/05/2020

Good morning P3.

I hope you had a good day yesterday. I was sad that the Space X rocket launch was postponed due to bad weather in Florida. The good news is that it will now hopefully launch on Saturday around the same time. Remember to follow the link on previous post to watch the launch live from the NASA website.

Today’s Maths work is more on position and movement and using grids. Here is the worksheet:

Y2 Summer Block 1 WO3 Describing movement and turns 2020

Here is the answers to compare work against:

Y2 Summer Block 1 ANS3 Describing movement and turns 2020

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs Love