Photography Competition

Here is some information for any budding photographers amongst us:

Video-camera-clipart-free-clipart-images | Homestyling by Cathy

‘RiverLife: Almond and Avon are excited to announce our online Resilient Rivers Photography Competition! We are looking for photo submissions that show how our rivers and burns can still be beautiful despite the pressures that are put on them. They have been heavily affected by humans over the centuries through industrialisation, urbanisation, agriculture and pollution. If you take a walk down by your local river or burn, there is a good chance that you’ll see signs of these impacts. The remains of the old weirs constructed to provide water to mills, pollution and plastic from the surrounding industries, or even an old tyre or shopping trolley sticking out of the water, it’s usually easy to spot some of the pressures these waterways face.

So if you snap some pictures of your local Resilient River while out exercising, or if you already have a great photo showing just how strong our rivers can be, upload it by clicking the link below. Once we have our entries we’ll be showcasing them in the Resilient Rivers Photography Exhibition, so keep your eyes peeled for that coming soon!’

Submit a photo here:

Have fun and don’t forget we can share your photos on here too, just email them to your teacher or send via the school office on


Primary 3 Home Learning for Wednesday 13.5.20

Good morning Primary 3! I hope you are having a good week. Please see below your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need to complete them. I would love to hear from you through a message or photos of your learning.

Have a nice day everyone and enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Maths – Measuring in cms. Please complete questions 1 and 2 from the activity sheet. If you want, you can complete questions 3 and 4 for an extra challenge! Remember, to find the total length of the two toys, we need to add both lengths together. When finding the difference between two numbers, we can do a subtraction sum to help us work out the answer.

Literacy – This week we are revising when to use exclamation marks. Have a look at the power point and use this to help you complete the activity sheet.

RME – Read and discuss the ‘The Parable of the Sower’. Use the story board activity sheet to re-write the story in your own words.

French – Revising numbers 1-20

Y2 Spring Block 5 WO5 Four operations with lengths 2019

Using Exclamation Marks Presentation

Exclamation Mark Worksheets

Have a look at this video on youtube ‘Learn French with Alexa’ (French Numbers 1-20).

French number loop cards to 20 game

The Sower and the Seeds Parable PowerPoint

The Sower and the Seeds Storyboard