Things to do for P1-3

There are lots of ideas being shared around at the moment. High on most peoples list is Joe Wicks at 9am each day and the Glasgow Science Centre at 10am, and if you take part too then it can make the learning more fun.

Social media has many ideas being shared around, so have a look when you are stuck.
When you need some fresh air you could try some ideas from the Woodland Trust

If you like crafts then have a go at these:



More Learning Files for P4

I am currently trying to reorganise the files for Primary 4 on Teams. It is proving to be a frustrating process as many of you will have experienced. So here are some more files you can be working through in the meantime. W03 is for today, W04 for Thursday and W05 for Friday.

Y3 Spring Block 2 WO3 Add money 2019

Y3 Spring Block 2 WO4 Subtract money 2019

Y3 Spring Block 2 WO5 Give change 2019

The following are sheets for extra practise. Sheet 1 are more straightforward, sheet 3 need more thought.

3digit minus 2digit subtraction_1

3digit minus 2digit subtraction_2

3digit minus 2digit subtraction_3

3digit plus 2digit addition_1

3digit plus 2digit addition_2

3digit plus 2digit addition_3