P3 w/c – 02.03.2020

What P3 enjoyed this week –


A – I enjoyed World Book Day – We had croissants at breakfast club while we enjoyed a book.

A – Dressing up as my favourite book character.

A – I enjoyed the whole of today as we got to wear costumes, have cakes and juice.

J – I enjoyed doing division – When you divide by ten you just need to take away a zero from the other number!

C – I enjoyed writing about how to wash a car, I found it a bit tricky because I haven’t done it in a while.

P – I liked doing the mnemonics because I was able to spell my spelling words using silly words.

A – I loved bouncing the balloons on badminton rackets.

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 6th March 2020

In Literacy P1 have learned two split diagraphs a-e and i-e and the tricky words any and many. We wrote words, built words on our magnetic boards, coloured real and nonsense words and played roll and read. P2 have continued to focus on the ‘ck’ spelling pattern. We looked for ck words in a word search and made them on magnetic boards and played bingo.  In writing we wrote about the superhero we have made. In numeracy this week P1 have been working on learning our number bonds to 20. We played games and used Numicon to help us.  P2 have been exploring numbers to 50, place value and representations of numbers. We have used concrete materials to help us. On Tuesday Morning we watched Author’s live with Michael Rosen. On Wednesday morning we went to the Professor Eco show. It was all about schools who had problems to do with Science and he helped solved their problems like planting trees so the spiders didn’t come in to school.  Thursday was World Book day. We had 3 drop everything and read sessions; we shared our favourite book and had another teacher come to read to us. Mrs Smith read Goldilocks and the Three Bears to us. On Friday we had our World Book day assembly and our Mad Hatter’s tea party.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed the Mad Hatter’s Tea party, the Professor Eco show and Mrs Smith reading to us.”

“I enjoyed the tea party. I got to eat a cake.”

“I liked the tea party because it was all about Alice in Wonderland.”

“I enjoyed the tea party. I liked the photo props.”

“I loved assembly and dressing up as a book character.”

“I enjoyed using the photo props at the tea party.”

“I enjoyed learning our new sounds a-e, i-e and tricky words many and any.”

“I enjoyed playing bingo when learning the ck pattern.”

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 6.3.20

In literacy this week our spelling focus has been: a-e magic e, words beginning with dr- and words ending with –ad. In numeracy we have been counting in 2’s and 5’s. Our numbertalks focus is subtracting by adding on the difference from the smaller number to the larger number. We have also investigated weight and mass using the balance scales. Everyone enjoyed the World Book Day activities yesterday, especially drop everything and read! Today our assembly was led by Maleficent and lots of children dressed up as a character from a book. After assembly we were all invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

Emma – I think it was nice to see everyone in costume and acting like their costume.

Nicholas – I liked counting in 5’s. I can count to 50!

Subhan – My favourite book is Harry Potter. I like Harry because he has a wand.

Lois – I like the book My Secret Unicorn. It’s all about unicorns and there is a girl who has got a nan and she went to her Grandma’s house and she bought a unicorn for her.

Austin – I liked World Book Day. When the bell went we had to drop everything and read our books. I was reading Hidden Treasure, it had ship and maps and it tells you where the treasure is.

Isaac – I am reading the Demon Dentist. The Demon Dentist was trying to take peoples teeth out.

Sushanth – I liked the Mad Hatter’s tea party. We had juice and sandwiches. We had a party to celebrate World Book Day!

Sevinc – My favourite book is The Naughtiest Girl by Enid Blyton. My mum read it when she was little and now I am reading it. The girl is really naughty because she does not want to go to school.

Rory – I was thinking why lots of people were wearing Harry Potter costumes today. It is because it is World Book Day. I like Harry Potter because he is a wizard and I like wizards.

Leo – I liked the tea party. We got sandwiches and the sandwiches were really yummy!

Euan – I liked weighing. I weighed lots of things to see how heavy they were. The water bottle was so heavy!

Lewis – I liked weighing. We used the pan balance.  If the arrow is pointing in the middle the things weight the same. If one side goes down it means its heavy and the other side is light.

Charley – I liked the tea party. We were celebrating world book day. We drew our favourite book covers.

Ziva – I liked the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. We were having a party with Alice and her friends.

Coben – I liked the assembly today. We all said our favourite books and we got to dress up.

Kaelan – I liked the assembly because there was a lot of Harry Potters. Mrs Mill was Maleficent. We were dressed up because it was World Book Day!

P1 Weekly Reflection 06.03.20

Well what a ‘booktastic’ week we’ve had to launch our first ever Book Month and celebrate World Book Day.  On Tuesday we watched the 10th Anniversary Authors Live’s show.  Michael Rosen was very funny and we were amazed by how quickly Tanya Roberts could illustrate what he was saying!

Click on the link below to see some familiar faces!  Our part in the film was supposed to be part of the Live Show but Michael Rosen went off script and spoke for too lang and they had to cut short the film which meant our school clip wasn’t shown.


Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day by Dropping Everything and Reading on three separate occasions throughout the day, the children loved this!  We made some bookmarks and enjoyed listening to Mrs Sansom sharing a story with us.  The children talked about their favourite stories and who they like to share them with.

Today we have enjoyed our ‘Share a Story‘ assembly and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  It was really fun sharing our stories and Mrs Clyne read the story of Alice in Wonderland while we drank our milk.

In between all our book fun we have learnt the sounds a-e and i-e and the tricky words one and anyone.  In maths, we continued with our numbers bonds and learnt about halves and quarters.  Here are some of the children’s comments:

GG “I liked learning our new sound a-e and i-e.”

RC “I liked the same as Georgie.”

PP “I liked the assembly when we were all dressed up.”

SS “I Ioved the tea party”

EW “I liked it when we had the assembly.  Mrs Mill was scary.”

PW “I liked eating the food at the party.”

AH “My favourite part was eating the cupcakes.”

IG “My favourite thing was everything we did this week. I liked making the bookmarks.”

EM “I liked all of the week.”

NB “I liked when me and Georgie shared our books at the assembly.”

ZP “I liked the tea party.”

LK “I liked eating the sandwiches at the tea party.”

FW “My best bit was the tea party.”

SC “I liked Mrs Clyne’s costume.”

ED ‘I liked the assembly.”

World Book Day (a whole week for P4)

O – I enjoyed the maths this morning. I enjoyed that it was kind of challenging but kind of easy at the same time. The challenging bit was a question about multiplication. The easy one was the adding and taking away.

A – I enjoyed dressing up as Joy from Inside Out today.

A – My favourite thing about this week was when we got to bring something to do with our characters so I brought Toothless. Toothless and me liked playing catch Toothless.

J – I was really happy when I got two weeks in a row of levelling up in maths. Now I’m on CLIC 11.

F – I enjoyed the assembly about World Book Day. I liked it when people were sharing about their favourite stories. I was surprised about Mrs Mill dressing up as Maleficent. It didn’t look like her.

H – I enjoyed having the food and dressing up.

J – I liked Drop Everything and Read and I liked dressing up and the food.

L – I liked when we got the iPads out and did Sumdog.

H – I was surprised when I got chosen to be Special Person by Miss Whigham.

L – I enjoyed yesterday when we switched teachers and they got to read stories to us. Mrs Brodie read Toto and the Wizard of Oz.