Tag Archives: Article 29: My education helps me to develop my abilities to the full.

Pentland Term 4

Well folks, it’s nearly the end of another term as well as the end of the school year and our time in the old Beatlie School campus!

It’s been another fun and busy term with lots of activities and we have put together a short video of our 2 favourites…

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy summer 🌞, hopefully we’ll see lots of you at the Beatlie Bash on Friday 🥳 and then it’ll be time for lots of new adventures in our amazing new school! 😊

Team Pentland 💚

Ochiltree Class of 22/23

Ochiltree Class of 22/23 have had a very busy, fun and challenging year and all the children have given it their all to be confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners.

For our last term we continued the theme of working hard and playing hard. For the walking month of May we went on our daily walks enjoying different sensory experiences of the different areas we visited. We also physically challenged ourselves to walk in/on different areas we would have avoided!

We were able to complete our Asdan, SQA and Duke of Edinburgh work of which I am sure we will get positive feedback for.

Our cross class activities were brilliant this year and all enjoyed each others company and interacting with each other for all the different activities such as assembly or outdoor play.

We have had lots of health and wellbeing activities from bike riding to mindfulness, gardening to rebound and boys/girls group for personal care. Some of the pupils also participated in a health group which was amazing! showing their resilience and bravery for accepting medical routines.

We have continued to have an effective whole school and community approach to Learning for Sustainability weaving together global citizenship, sustainable development education and outdoor learning to create coherent, rewarding and transformative learning experiences such as Earth Day, Fairtrade Tuck, gardening, outdoor numeracy activities, forest trails, walks and Eco activities.

We will be saying goodbye to our friend Duncan who will be moving on with best wishes from us all. We will all be saying goodbye to our building but look forward to new beginnings.

Have a fantastic holiday and see you all again for 2023/24!

Term 4 in Hopetoun

We can’t quite believe that we already find ourselves approaching the end of the school year, how time flies when you’re having fun!! It’s been a year full of adventures, experiences and fun in Hopetoun and there’s lots more in store for when we move into to our fabulous new campus after the holidays.

This term we’ve been lucky enough to enjoy lots of outdoor experiences in the sunshine including taking on a whole school walking challenge for the month of May which we smashed! We’ve been practicing lots of useful skills so hopefully there are some helping hands with jobs around the house and we rounded off the term with a trip to 5 Sisters Zoo.

We hope you enjoy looking at our photos and we wish everyone a happy and healthy summer.

Team Hopetoun 💙

Term 4 in Duntarvie 22-23

Spring term in Lomond class

What great fun we have had this term. We have been lucky to be able to go horse riding and the weather was really kind to us. We have done lots of sensory exploration through water play, messy play and our sensory boxes.  We have let our imaginations shine with some dressing up and some imaginary play with babies and water- what a great combination!

We are looking forward to going on some new adventures next term, hopefully the sun will continue to shine for us and we can spend lots of time outside.

Here are some of our highlights from this term.

Term 3 in Hopetoun

This term has absolutely flown by and we’re so excited to finally see the beginnings of Spring outside!!

We’ve had another busy term getting involved in our school Eco work, Fairtrade activities, Comic Relief and had the best time at our Burns Ceilidh. We’ve also been busy starting our new topic all about people who help us in school and have had fun taking photo’s of people we find who help us as well as getting involved in some of the jobs that they do and we’ll be continuing this topic after the Easter holidays.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter.

Team Hopetoun

Term 3 in Duntarvie

In Duntarvie class we have been very busy learning out in the community and have created some videos of our favourite things we have been experiencing and participating in this term – hope you enjoy them.

We are looking forward to getting to explore further on our bikes next term and making the most of the lovely weather (fingers crossed). We are also planning to get back to check on all our berry, fruit and vegetable plants at the community garden.

Have a lovely Easter break.

Science day, Beatlie 2023 – sensory connections

This year the theme for science week was connections so we decided to have a seaside and underwater adventure where we could explore all our sensory connections.

We had lots of fun exploring different elements of being at the seaside and a range of reactions to some of the sensory items we were using – hope you enjoy watching our video.

Autumn Term Music in Beatlie

In Music this term, we had fun once more sharing and playing music together with our friends. 

One of the focus points across the school has been making choices in music. In Ochiltree and Duntarvie the children have been exploring genre, from disco to indie and rock, with more to come after the holidays. In mixed groups doing ASDAN and NQs, they selected from a range of music on switches and then chose instruments to play along with the selection, including drums and electric guitars. It was surprising to find out who are the secret rock and rollers in the classes!

In Primary and Lammermuir, we have been choosing from a range of nursery rhymes and instruments. The Pentland children had great fun deciding whether songs should be loud, quiet, fast and slow. At Halloween The Hairy Scary Castle  song made a return, with all the spooky sounds inside, which the children always enjoy.

Across the school we continue to have opportunities for individuals to have short Music as Therapy sessions that allows an opportunity to focus on the particular needs of some of the children.  While this is different from Music Therapy with Aisling, we do confer and ideas overlap. Importantly, it is an opportunity for the children to express themselves through music away from distractions.

We ended the term with music for the Christmas show, quite a change after the last few years, with lots of creative ideas. Next year, we will continue to have fun with new and familiar songs alike, and also take time to use music for wellbeing and to celebrate Scotland as we head to Burns Night.