Tag Archives: Learning For Sustainability

Term 3 in Duntarvie

In Duntarvie class we have been very busy learning out in the community and have created some videos of our favourite things we have been experiencing and participating in this term – hope you enjoy them.

We are looking forward to getting to explore further on our bikes next term and making the most of the lovely weather (fingers crossed). We are also planning to get back to check on all our berry, fruit and vegetable plants at the community garden.

Have a lovely Easter break.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 is all about spreading a simple message: making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet. 

Did you know?

Coffee, bananas and chocolate could soon be much more difficult to buy.

Climate change is making crops like these harder and harder to grow. Combined with deeply unfair trade, communities growing these crops are being pushed to the brink.

But here’s the good news. 

More people choosing Fairtrade means extra income, power and support for those communities.

By making the small switch to Fairtrade, we can all support producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.


Share The Love

This week Beatlie have been using their imagination and hope for the future and both experienced and participated in the campaign #SharetheLove for Climate Change.

Please have a look at our children at work and share the message to help Save our Planet for our future children.


Term 2 in Dunratvie 2022

Ochiltree Term 1

Ochiltree has had a fantastic start to the year and we have had a great time learning, having fun and getting to know each other.

We were busy the first couple of weeks making displays for our Class Charter and our Target work. Our theme being balloons. So we had a fun photo shoot to help make the display.

The boys have been enjoying our Boys Group that we have started – they are going to have the girls heads turning by the end of the year they will be looking and smelling so good! They have been really motivated and trying hard to help themselves with their own personal care and we are looking forward to seeing how well they come on over the year.

The children are working hard to achieve their IEP targets as well as ASDAN and SQA quaalifications. They are working well individually to carry out class jobs/home chores as well as physical exercises and trying out new experiences such as rebound, archery, meeting new animal friends and peers.

We hope you all have a great holiday and we are looking forward to the next term and all things Christmasy! x

Eco Schools Green Flag

It is with great pride to announce that Beatlie School have achieved their 5th Green Flag for all their hard work on all things Eco within the school and the wider community.

Thank you to all the children, staff, parents and local community for all the support and participation over the last 2 years.

We look forward to our next journey which will start again after the October break and will continue on into the new school – how exciting!





International School Award



It is with great delight to announce the achievement of the International School Award from the British Council.

The Foundation level of the International School Award is for schools embarking on their international journey. It is ideal for schools that:

  • are introducing the concept of internationalism,
  • are getting ready to form an international partnership,
  • have conducted at least one international classroom activity.

Beatlie have achieved this accolade through a partnership we formed with 2 schools in West Lothian and 1 in Africa.

We worked very hard on this partnership on 3 different areas:

# Gardening: From Earth to Plate

# Health, Mind & Body

# Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We have enjoyed the partnership and plan to continue with international and local relationships to continue with our Learning for Sustainability throughout the curriculum and throughout the school.

We will be looking to further our experiences and join with other schools to participate in the ‘Climate Change Challenge’.