Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Summer term in Lomond

What a fantastic end to the first year in our new school. We have had so much fun exploring everywhere. The weather has been a little bit nicer so we have made the most of being able to get out and about. We have had some very exciting walks and we even met a tractor with a very friendly driver who stopped to let us come close and see his tractor.

We have had lots of fun inside school as well, with our teddy bears picnic and clown doctors party both happening on nice sunny days. Even when it has not been as nice, we have still managed to make the most of our lovely new gardens, who knew that a poly tunnel was a great place to have a dance!

We finished our term with a lovely trip to Lochore Meadows country park where we had great fun in the play park then we had our picnic lunch, we even managed to have an ice cream before getting on the bus and coming home.

We hope everyone has a lovely summer and comes back to school looking forward to all the adventures we have in store for next year.

Spring term in Lomond

What a busy term we have had! some of our highlights have been swimming for some of our children as well as continuing to explore our new school and gardens. The new willow sculptures are very exciting.

We have continued to enjoy activities like visiting the multi-sensory room and some of us are getting very good at activating the interactive floor.  We have enjoyed activities like our Burns day ceilidh and having two cafes this term has meant plenty of opportunities for cooking and baking as well as seeing lots of people coming into the school.

We continue to enjoy a weekly visit from the clown doctors and our cross class PE groups have been a big success. It’s always nice to be able to see friends from other classes.

We are looking forward to the summer term when hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer and we will be able to get out a bit more.

Have a lovely Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

St Andrews Day Celebration Ceilidh

Today we had our first Ceilidh in the new school and it gets a thumbs up for a great place to get your kilts on and dance your socks off!

Have a look at our video of some of the children enjoying the music, the company and the dancing!

Pentland Term 1

Well that was certainly a VERY busy and fast first term in our new school!

We have some new pupil and adult faces in Team Pentland this year and have been enjoying making friends and getting to know each other better.

Team Pentland this year:

Class Teacher – Louise

Advanced Pupil Support Workers – Alison, Caroline, Julie, Linda & Louise (yes, 2 Louises!)

Our pupils

We also have Linda (yes, another one!) for art, Gordon for music and Catherine for drama

Here are some of our highlights…

We have also been busy creating our Class Charter and Global Goals displays…

Hope everyone has a fun and well deserved holiday.

Term 1 in Hopetoun

What a fabulous first term we have had in Hopetoun! We’ve been so busy exploring our amazing new school and have especially enjoyed being out in our incredible garden where there is so much to do. We’ve also had lots of lovely new experiences indoors using our new sensory room, soft play, the drama/music room and the art room. It was lovely having you all come to visit and am sure you all think it’s as amazing as we do!

Team Hopetoun wish you all a lovely October break and look forward to all the exciting things that are to come next term. We hope you enjoy our video showing some of the fun we have been having…..

Summer term in Lomond class

We can’t believe that summer is here already! we would like to wish everyone a lovely summer holiday and we are looking forward to seeing everyone for the next big adventure in our lovely new school.

Here are some of the highlights from our term.

Pentland Term 4

Well folks, it’s nearly the end of another term as well as the end of the school year and our time in the old Beatlie School campus!

It’s been another fun and busy term with lots of activities and we have put together a short video of our 2 favourites…

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy summer 🌞, hopefully we’ll see lots of you at the Beatlie Bash on Friday 🥳 and then it’ll be time for lots of new adventures in our amazing new school! 😊

Team Pentland 💚

Term 4 in Duntarvie 22-23