UNICEF Outright Campaign 2021

This year, the UNICEF outright campaign focused on Mental Health. All children have the right to a healthy mind!

One of the tasks we completed was to think of something for another class that would make them feel happy!  Here is what everyone came up with:

Lammermuir – received some lovely toys from Ochiltree  that the pupils enjoyed exploring.

Playing with the gifts from Ochiltree

Hopetoun – Organised the Children In Need and made everyone very happy!!

Lomond – Received a list of favourite songs and lots of lovely instruments from Duntarvie.  These went down very well!

Pentland – They had fun playing games in the gym hall using resources lent to them by Glendevon,  Duck, Duck Goose was a favourite.

Glendevon – enjoyed making some very yummy Pudsey Bear biscuits with ingredients given to them from Pentland.

Ochiltree – received some lovely messy play resources to explore including bubbles and slime from Lammermuir.

Opening the gift from Lammermuir

Duntarvie – felt very pampered with a ‘spa in the classroom’ box from Lomond.


Unicef World Children’s Day



Secondary Assembly for World Children’s Day

Blue is the colour for World Children’s Day 2021

We had a story massage about Paddington

Then we talked about how we felt when he came to London and how he feels when people are not nice to him.

We learned how to do the ‘Hard Stare’ when people are not nice!

Duncan was fantastic at this and as also able to show his friends different emotions too!

We made blue prints for a display in the school too.

Please have a look at how we made them and a look at how Paddington does the hard stare! Can you do it?

World Food Day Poster Competition

World Food Day was highlighted and celebrated on the 16th October. As part of our learning here at Beatlie we looked food journeys and how/why we can and should do better.

To share our learning we all participated in a poster competition – please have a look at the great work we all had fun making! Some more photos may also be shared on their Learning Journals.



Ochiltree Term 1

I cannot believe that it is October already!

We have had a fabulous start to the year and have been enjoying our extended bubble with Duntarvie and participating in lots of new activities with all our friends from there!

So what have we been up to…..

We had a very successful litter pick around Craigshill but we were very surprised at how little litter there was about – the community have come together and have made fantastic changes around the area. We were also able to see how well our flowers have been growing at the street signs we planted before the summer – this caught on and there are lots of streets around doing the same now!

It was lovely to see Luca’s family and they had fun joining us for a walk around the Almond – it was a shame that you could not all join us but hopefully we will see you all soon at other school events.

We are all working hard on our qualifications this year – ASDAN and SQA projects as well as our IEP targets. William and Aria are doing lots together and are joined by Charlie for topic work, Luca is joining the Duntarvie class for lots of activities and Sophie is joining her friends from Duntarvie for lots of movement and sensory activities.

Catherine has been conducting the topic – Looking After My Body and the children have loved all the fun activities she has been doing – they especially enjoyed the smelling and tasting activity. Catherine has also been doing Drama which Luca and Sophie have been going to and they love it – hopefully we will be able to put on a show for you at Christmas or at the end of the year!

The children are all getting to try out new activities, experience new things and encouraged to be as independent as they can be building skills for adulthood! They are a great help carrying out their class jobs, Eco tasks and helping out in the community.

There are so many things I could rave about but I must leave space for some pictures.

Please click on the link below to see a fantastic video of our stars at work and play.









Autumn term in Pentland class

We have been very busy in Pentland class this term. We have been learning all about the three little pigs and their adventures as well as making the most of the nice weather and enjoying some really messy play. We have done some cooking with mixed results although the chocolate mug cake went down well with everyone!

Playing circle games in class
Enjoying the good weather
Making chocolate cake
The finished cake-Yum!
Edible messy play
Artwork for the walls
Our own three little pigs houses of bricks
And houses of straw

Music October 2021

Mr Macarella and a mission into space!

It was great to see everyone happy to return to music and to welcome some new faces joining us for musical fun too.

We began the term with some familiar songs and activities to help settle everyone in before focusing on silly Mr. Macarella. This clapping song tells us how he didn’t use his umbrella to keep dry and how 8 raindrops fell on him. Then we all count and clap while learning about the different parts of the body where the rain fell. We then moved onto playing the rain sounds and the 8 raindrops on different instruments as the rain drops fell on his musicians.  

This term we also have some smaller Music groups with Lammermuir and early Primary children focusing on musical play and exploration, intensive interaction, movement and nursery rhymes. 

Secondary had two cross-class music groups and some also have 1-1 sessions this term. One group began working on choosing and playing instruments that will help tell the story of a journey into space. This will help them work as a group with solo spots on their chosen instruments that will go towards their SQA awards. The other group are enjoying playing and moving along to music from different genres as they work towards their ASDAN awards. 

We will continue the fun into next term, adding in seasonal songs for Halloween and Christmas.  Have a great October break!


Term 1 in Duntarvie

WOW what a busy start to term 1 in Duntarvie we can’t believe it will be the October break next week!

We have been exploring garden maintenance this term and keeping Duntarvie garden clean and tidy through weeding, cutting the grass and leaf blowing.  We prepared the new kitchen garden area by upcycling some old tyres and compost from last year’s planting. We have already planted the seeds in the warmth of indoors and hope by the time Spring arrives we will have some lovey (hardy) herbs to plant outside.

To support our independence, develop our life skills and explore sensory development we have been completing class jobs including washing the windows, cleaning and putting away the dishes and sorting the laundry. Many of us have loved the new light weight hoover that we use to keep our class nice and tidy and it has even ventured round the school to ensure everyone is keeping their rooms nice and tidy!

A favourite class activity this term has been the sensory story of Boris the Bee – he has been a bit naughty by sneaking into the picnic basket and giving everyone a nasty sting!

It has been great to have new opportunities through our individual SQA work. This is the cooking group making all their health goodies to go home to parents and carers.  We are hoping to get out and about in the community more through further ASDAN and SQA work alongside starting our Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Hope you all have a lovely October week – Duntavie.

World Food Day 2021

World Food Day 2021 Theme, Activities, Quotes, Slogan and Wishes


World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on the 16th October; the date that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) was founded in 1945. First commemorated by the FOA in 1979, World Food Day aims to promote healthy diets and eradicate hunger issues by 2030.


World Food Day adopts a new theme every year, with previous themes including Family Farming (2014) and Our Actions are our Future (2018).

The theme for 2021 is ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’ which stresses that production and consumption of safe food have “immediate and long-term benefits for people, the planet, and the economy.”


Beatlie will be raising awareness by participating in a poster competition – keep an eye out for the great work our pupils will produce!



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