Category Archives: Glendevon

Term 2 in Glendevon

Sorry we are a bit late putting our review of term 2 on the blog and hope that all our families and friends had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Glendevon enjoyed all of the additional festive experiences including the performance, parties, Christmas garden and winter musical parade.

As always we have been working hard throughout term 2 and continue to use our multi-sensory space for a wide variety of purposes including:

  • to explore relaxation
  • to immerse ourselves in our topic story (which this term has included some of the beautiful items made through exploring materials in art time)

  • songs and singing utilising pupils different communication styles and methods

We hope to put together a wee video showcasing all the ways that we use the 4D room for the end of the year to share with all our parents.

Glendevon took on the roles and responsibilities of our facilities management team (Calum, John & Sandy) for International Children’s day and made sure pupil’s got their lunches, ensured paths were cleared and safe to use and daily school checks for security were carried out.












Glendevon’s eco representative has been hard at work in whole school groups throughout term 2 and focused on smaller garden spaces for Winter planting.

Glendevon boys have been exploring science concepts in messy science linked to our fashion and materials topic including; what materials to make our clothes from  and what would happen to different materials when placed in water.  Skills of predicting, showing preferences, retesting theories were all on display – brilliant work boys.

We are all ready for another fun filled term.

Glendevon Term 1

We can’t believe that’s term 1 over and what a busy term it has been.

We have enjoyed exploring technology this term including using the life skills area and through our topic of taking care of ourselves.

We made the most of our good weather by getting back on our bikes and using the drive deck to explore independently.

On the theme of health we have been making healthy foods and snacks in term 1 developing skills in chopping, mixing and weighing ingredients. Our Harvest healthy muffins went down a treat at café.

We have enjoyed taking part in messy art activities to make resources for our class charter and had fun with a food messy play for Fairtrade fortnight involving chocolate.

We are looking forward to lots more opportunities to explore our new topic of fashion through our playboxes, sensology and multi-sensory sessions this term.

Harvest Cafe and Foodbank

Last week we celebrated harvest time by hosting a cafe for all our friends and families.  There were lots of visitors. The pupils made some delicious autumn treats to share with everyone. There was also a collection for the foodbank and a raffle. In total we made £134 and also had lots of donations of tins and packets of food. The secondary pupils are looking forward to visiting the shops to spend the money buying other essential items for the foodbank. Great work everyone!

Global Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing

Global Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Glendevon staff 24-25

Welcome back to Glendevon 24-25

It was fantastic to see all the boys back in their new class – Glendevon this week getting to know one another and all the new staff that they will be working with.

Below you can get to know the staff too and I look forward to speaking to you all during check in calls and at the ‘Meet the Team’ opportunity in September.

Have a lovely weekend and get ready for another busy week with lots of learning and fun next week.

Summer Music

It has been a busy Summer term in Music. In particular, secondary classes have focused on the culmination of a year-long project, with some of our young people working towards SQA National 1 Producing a Sound (alternative context).

For this, we have been choosing instruments and playing them correctly, then using our skills to tell a musical story. The story was a traditional tale from the Borders, that of Tam Lin and how Janet saved him from the Queen of the Fairies in the enchanted forest.

Ochiltree and Duntarvie had been working separately on the skills, but this term they came together  to create the sounds. We had a star guest as Carol Robbie came back to narrate the story.

It was a great success and has opened up options for other musical stories together and with others. We will certainly we doing this again, hopefully at a time that will be easier for friends and families to participate.

Meanwhile, primary classes have been having fun continuing to choose favourite songs to sing and play.



Term 4 in Glendevon

What a great end to a brilliant year in Glendevon.  We have all had such a great year at school, we have loved our year together in the Glendevon class, we have made new friends, shared lots of lovely experiences together, learned lots, made lots of mess and shared in lots of laughs and fun along to the way!

We hope you all have an amazing summer holiday and we are looking forward to everything the new school year will bring!

Glendevon News

Another wonderful term for The Glendevon Class.  We have all been learning, exploring, playing and experiencing lots of exciting things this term and as always we have been absolutely amazing!

We have loved getting out to Horse Riding this term and we all love our horses so much.  We have increased in our confidence and strength when riding the horses and will miss them next term.

We also really enjoyed some cross class groups this term including story telling week and PE groups.  It has been nice seeing all of our friends from across the school and visiting some new classes.

In class we have had our weekly visits from the Clown Doctors, baking, arts and crafts, attention and listening games, messy play, singing, stories and games – we have had a ball and continue to succeed in all we do.

Music Autumn 2023

This term we have focused on making choices in Music. Lammermuir joined Hopetoun for some fun for Hairy Scary Castle, first choosing spooky sounds from switches for Halloween and then using symbols to select animals to sing about for Old McDonald’s Farm. Pentland also made musical choices with instruments and symbols and appreciated movement and relaxation.

In Lomond the children greatly enjoyed coming together, singing nursery rhymes and  playing along with instruments. Sometimes this could be up tempo or more relaxed, depending on the needs of the day.
Glendevon focused on our regular routines, structure, and exploring instruments, including playing along on wooden instruments and dancing to a percussion track by Moondog – an American improvisational composer and performer.
Duntarvie worked towards their SQAs by playing different ranges of instruments for different moods and textures, such as tuned instruments in A minor or wooden instruments. This is to work towards a project in 2024 with Ochiltree, who followed similar lessons.
All the classes enjoyed some Song Massage with All the Leaves and then All the Snow as we got to December. The children had a great time moving to some Christmas songs and playing along to Jingle Bells. In case things felt too busy, we also had some sensory music time, taking some time to relax while exploring instruments to gentle music with subdued lighting and festive lights.

Merry Christmas from Glendevon

We have had a lovely term in the Glendevon class.  We have had a brilliant time attending Bathgate Excite for swimming – we have all grown in confidence using the pool and have had so much fun each week.  We have also had lovely sessions with The Clown Doctors and enjoyed playing with and developing relationships with them.

We have fully embraced the Christmas spirit and taken part in lots of crafts, messy play activities, cooking/baking, songs and games in class.  We worked hard on our performance for the Christmas show and loved sharing this with all of our parents and families.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes.