Today Primary 5 worked with Primary 2 to think about what makes them happy. They look at mindfulness and the importance of it and why we should not worry about the past or future.
Our topic in Primary 2 is called ‘Toys, Now and Then’. We are really enjoying learning all about toys from the past. It is exciting to see just how much some toys have changed:
What have we learnt so far ?
Lucas – ‘Toy cars used to be made from wood and tin. Now they are made from plastic’.
Chloe – ‘The first kites were made in China’.
Isabella A -‘Only rich children had toys a long time ago’.
Joshua – ‘The man who used to make Lego used to make toys out of wood’.
Lovisa – ‘The man who made wooden toys didn’t make bricks. He made buses, trucks and ducks.
Thomas – ‘The factory that makes Lego has a massive Lego brick in front of it.
James H – ‘The Lego factory is in Denmark’.
Today the boys and girls in P2 were super excited to be given the opportunity to watch the official opening of the Queensferry Crossing. We saw the Queen cutting a ribbon and we also saw the Red Arrows flying over the bridge. How cool !
What did we learnt today ?
Lovisa – It took 6 years to build the bridge.
Joshua – 15,000 thousand people worked on the bridge.
Lucas – I learnt that the bridge is called the Queensferry Crossing.
Haziq – We saw three bridges on the TV.
Sofia- A new bridge was built because the other one is getting old.
Today Primary 2 went outside to release our butterflies. We were very excited!
Anna – My favourite part was when we let them go.
Lucia – My favourite part was when they landed on flowers to drink the pollen.
Brooke – My favourite part was when a butterfly landed on me.
Martyna – I liked when the butterfly went on Miss Boyd’s finger.
Matthew – I liked it when I learned that the butterfly ate nectar.
Luca – The butterflies had to open their wings a few times to warm up before they flew away.
Michael – When the butterfly opened its wings I saw orange white and black.
Mya – When the wings were closed it looked grey and white.
Alicia – Some of them didn’t want to come out.
Umaima – The last butterfly flew really high to the trees.
In Primary 2 we’ve been learning all about the life of a caterpillar and the process of its transformation into a butterfly. Today, we transferred the chrysalides into the special butterfly nets. We are very excited for them turning into butterflies. We are looking forward to learning even more!
into the special butterfly nets. We are very excited for them turning into butterflies. We are looking forward to learning even more!
Kyle – We have learned about it’s life cycle.
Lara- It is called a life cycle because it goes on and on.
Martyna – First, the butterfly lays some eggs.
Mya – Then, a little caterpillar comes out of the egg.
Flynn – Then, it eats and eats and eats.
Freyja – The caterpillar makes a J.
Luca – After that we know it is going to form a chrisyllis.
Lucas Cook – The chrisyllis gets hard.
Tavia – It gets hard to protect itself.
Umaima – Then it breaks out of the chrisyllis and turns into a butterfly.
Lucia – I liked seeing them in their chrisyllis.
Matthew – I liked learning all the facts about caterpillars.
Catherine – I liked when we did the information booklets.
Anna – I liked when the caterpillars arrived.
Santiago – I liked watching them grow.
Niamh – I liked learning about and seeing the caterpillar food.
Primary 2 have been enjoying the lovely weather. We took our learning outside as part of our ‘Living Things’ topic. We went on a minibeast adventure and searched for any living things. We used our skills in technology to take pictures using the iPad. We even learned how to zoom in and out.
We are looking forward to learning even more this week!
P2 got some very exciting post at the beginning of the week. We received some Painted Lady caterpillars! We were very surprised and happy.
We are keeping the caterpillars in our cupboard because they can’t be in direct sunlight and they need to be somewhere warm.
We have been checking on our caterpillars everyday and they have been getting bigger and bigger! We are looking forward to seeing how big they are when we come back on Tuesday. Some might even have formed their chrysalis!
Here are some facts that we have learned about caterpillars so far:
Anna- a mother butterfly lays an egg and then a caterpillar hatches out of it.
Freyja- a caterpillar sheds it’s skin.
Michael- Painted Lady caterpillars are black and yellow and a little bit grey.
Liam- the caterpillars form a chrysalis.
Zofia- the caterpillar has 6 true legs at the front of their body.
Alicia- they have hooks on their true legs.
Niamh- they have false legs at the back but they still use them to move around.
Lucia- they breath through spiracles. They are circles and they look like holes all over their body.
Lara- they have spikey hair called setae which protects them from birds and spiders.
Catherine- they eat a lot.
Thomas- they have a big mouth.
Matthew- they form a J shape when they are ready to make a chrysalis.
Here are some pictures of our caterpillars :).
Primary 2 were very excited to have a visitor in their classroom today. Mr Hay (Michael’s Dad) lived in Africa for a while, so came in to share his experiences with us. He took us on an amazing safari where we saw lots of different animals including; hippos, antelopes, elephants and leopards.
Mr Hay told us lots of interesting facts about the animals that he had saw on the safari. He told us that elephants walk on their tip toes, elephants in Africa have big ears to keep them cool and many many more!
P2 all loved going on our safari adventure and thought that Mr Hay was fantastic!
Thank you to everyone who attended our assembly. We were so excited to share our wonderful work and learning with you. For anyone who missed it here are a few videos of us in action!
Primary 2 have been enjoying learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We went on a shape hunt in the playground, played heads up, looked at the lines of symmetry using mirrors and lots of other fun activities!
Primary 2 were very excited to receive a letter from The Genie (from Aladdin)! The Genie wrote to us to ask us for our help and told us that The Magic Carpet is not feeling very well. He asked us to make a new one which Aladdin could use until he gets better. We each got a square of paper and have used patterns and bright colours to decorate our squares. We will post a picture next week of our new Magic Carpets once they are finished!
We used our imaginations to go on an adventure on our own Magic Carpets and landed in some magical places! We then used pencil to create a detailed drawing our of where we had landed and then very carefully coloured them in. They look fantastic! We are excited to see what we are going to do next!
Primary 2a have been trying really hard to earn lots of Dojos! We have been working towards our rewards which we came up with as a class and now have lots of points to use. Some of our rewards included: extra Golden Time, choosing a song in class, bringing a toy to school, no homework pass and wearing your slippers for the day. Lots of us have chosen a few rewards as we had so many points . We are also working towards earning 100 class points. For this reward we have chosen to have a party with sweeties and music! We are going to try our very best to work hard and have excellent behaviour so we can reach our target! Take a look at a collage of our rewards
Primary 2 were given the challenge to work as a team to build a tower that was taller than the table and held one pencil on the top without falling over! At first we thought it was an impossible task. However, we worked together in our teams using our logical thinking skills to solve the problem. We evaluated our learning at the end and we even had a winning group who worked very well as a team creating a strong and secure tower.
Check out some of our towers!
Primary 2 and 3 had a fantastic afternoon at our Christmas Party. We did lots of dancing, played games, won prizes, ate sweets and even attempted the mannequin challenge! We had great time! Check out some of our pictures
Primary 2 have been working on adding between 10 and 20 this week. We even started to see the connection between addition and subtraction. We have been trying to choose challenges to improve our growth mindset too!
During European Languages Day Primary 2 had the pleasure of working with Primary 6 children learning all about colours in Spanish. We were so impressed with the creative and exciting lesson Primary 6 had prepared for us! We had great fun and can’t wait to buddy up with you again!
Thanks P6!
Just a little reminder about the Bouncy Castle Obstacle Course tomorrow (Friday 10th June).
If you would like a go and are in primary 2 and primary 3, please bring in your £1 coin in tomorrow morning. Your class teacher will take you along.
(Primary 1, we have already paid, so just bring your smiles and bouncing legs).
We hope you all have a brilliant time!
Today Primary 3 and 3/2 went for a walk along the Union Canal. We looked for lots of different things. Here are some facts we found out about the canal.
We saw the canal getting wider for the boats to turn. Isla M
We saw swans along the canal swimming and gliding. Grace
I saw the swans making a love heart with their necks and heads. Hubert
The number of the bridge was 27. Maisie
We saw the shale bings. Ben
In the canal there was rubbish including a football, bottles, bicycle wheel, and other food wrappers and a bike. Callum
We saw a weather vane on top of Broxburn Primary. Rebecca
Lots of branches had fallen in the canal. Zac
We saw a ginger cat laying at the side of the canal. Ruby
The water in the canal was rippling. Ciaran
There was mooring point to tie boats up along the side of the canal.
The port was called Port Buchan. Luke There are also lots of reeds in the water.
We have been having a fantastic week this week, celebrating book week.
We have been engaging in lots of activities all week, and still have plenty to go.
This week we have been enjoying lots of paired reading (reading to others in the school). Primary 1 particularly enjoyed the primary 7 boys and girls reading to them.
Primary 4-7 have been going on a ‘Cluedo Quest’. Someone stole all the books from Mrs Brown’s office! They have been answering clues, leading them all around the school, to help them work out who did it!
We have been receiving some amazingly creative photos for our Extreme Reading competition. They are all on display in the gym hall. We have had children reading whilst hula hooping; upside down; in the dogs bed; on the moon; standing on top of a giant peach; on a horse; in a tree and many more!
Our teachers have been challenging us this week as well. There is a display in the gym hall, with lots of teachers hiding behind their favourite books. It is really tricky to work out who is who!
We have all been working as a class to create an imaginative display based on a favourite book, or a number of favourite books. We can’t wait to see which class wins this competition on Friday.
We still have many more activities to do as well!
Tomorrow (Thursday) we are participating in a book swap in the classes. Every child has been asked to bring in a book they no longer want, or read, and it will be swapped with someone else, meaning we all go home with a new book to enjoy.
Also tomorrow our teachers are all swapping classes to read a story to another class.
But the thing we are most looking forward to is the chance to dress up as our favourite book character on Friday (Nursery is on Thursday)! We have been discussing costumes all week. There is a prize for the most imaginative costume from each year group.
Keep checking back for more updates!
Today, primary 1 and 2 had a fantastic afternoon. We visited the local library. We met the author and the lead character of the children’s books Badger The Mystical Mutt.
Badger is a large black and white dog, who loves toast, and is awfully cheeky! He is also very good at magic. We watched him perform a number of magic tricks, in between annoying Laura, the author.
We also listened to a short extract from the first book.
It really was a brilliant afternoon. Thank you so much to the library and to Laura and Badger.
Here are some pictures of Primary 2 and 3 Christmas Party. It was great fun!
Today Primary 2 and 3 had a great party over at the Strathbrock Centre. We all had fun and took part in lots of dancing and games. Pictures to follow.
Last week, Primaries 2 and 1 met a very sneaky snake! It was an Anaconda snake and we learnt some very interesting facts about this snake.
Christy- They live in South America.
Lucas- I reminded Mrs Dymock that the Anaconda swallows its feast whole.
Bella-Rose- It can grow as long as a school bus!
Harry- I’ve held an Anaconda round my neck when I was on holiday in Spain.
We decided to create our own Anacondas! We used different materials including coloured paper, cardboard, crayons, pencils, glue, glitter and scissors.
We have displayed our artwork on our classroom doors, ENTER IF YOU DARE!
Speak to you again soon.
All the boys and girls in Primaries 2 and 1.
As you already know Primaries 2 and 2/1 have been working very hard recently and have made some fabulous habitats. We were so proud of our habitats that we asked Mrs Brown and Primary 1 to come take a look at them. We then visited each others classroom to see all the different habitats in the three classrooms.
We would like to say a big thank you to anyone who helped us to make the habitats and to Mrs Brown and Primary 1 for visiting.
Everyone has put so much effort and time into all the habitats and Miss Boyd, Mrs Dymock and Mrs Lenoard are so proud of you all!
Primary 2 have been learning about the importance of washing your hands.
We watched a video about why it is so important to wash our hands. We found out that if you don’t wash your hands it can make you very sick!
We should wash our hands :
-Before we eat
-After blowing our nose
-After touching animals
-After going to the toilet
-Before cooking
-After coughing or sneezing
-After being outside
We made some fantastic posters about the importance of hand washing which are going to be laminated and displayed in our toilets.
We also watched a video which taught us the song “Washy Washy Clean, Scrub Scrub”. This video showed us the steps that you need to take to wash your hands properly. We then had a practice of washing our hands in the sink with some yummy cola soap .
Take a look at our pictures!
In primary 2b we have been learning sign language. We have learned how to sign the song “I Can Sign a Rainbow” and we are now pro’s at this! Click on the link below to watch our video. It is password protected. The password is : p2bstnics
Thank you to Joss from Primary 6b for filming it for us
Have a great holiday everyone!!
In Primary 2 we have been working hard to make some lovely things for our Mums! We have filled envelopes with surprises for our mums and we have also recorded a lovely song! We hope all our Mums have a wonderful Mother’s day!
Primary 2 have been learning the parable of the mustard seed. We looked at mustard seeds and noticed that they were tiny! Mustard seeds are one of the smallest seeds but when planted, they grows into a big trees! We watched this video about the parable of the mustard seed which explained how the mustard seed was like our faith. All we need is a little bit of faith and God will help our faith to grow just like he helps the mustard seeds to grow! We have to make sure that we look after the mustard seeds to help them grow and we also have to make sure we talk to God so that he can help our faith grow! We also really liked the song at the end of the video :). Primary 2 then planted mustard seeds in plastic cups. Take a look at our pictures!
Primaries 2 and 2/1 have been learning about being resilient. We watched a video of Mr Bump and noticed that when he fell over, he just got back up and tried again! We found out that the word resilient means that we don’t give up when we find something difficult, we just try again! We discovered that different people find different things difficult, but that it’s important to keep trying! We then drew a picture of something that we find tricky and wrote a sentence about resilience. Take a look at some of them!
After we drew our pictures we sang the song Incy Wincy. We noticed that Incy Wincy was resilient because even though the rain washed him away he climbed up the spout again! We then learned another verse to Incy Wincy which was :
When you face a challenge, do the best you can.
We all feel down when things don’t go to plan.
Look on the bright side. Have another try.
Be like Incy Wincy, and keep on aiming high!
Primary 2 are resilient!