Primary 2 have been busy learning about Measure. We have been measuring items in our classroom using our feet, hands, straws and cubes. We know that normally our mums and dads would use rulers and measuring tapes to measure things in our house but before we start to learn about that we need to be confident measuring using non-standard units. We realise that our measurements won’t all be the same when we use our hands and feet because they are all different sizes from each other. Have a look at us in action!
Tag Archives: measure
Magical measurement!
The dragon has left footprints!
Primary 1 received a letter from a very sad, sad dragon. He needs help! Fairyland is gone and the dragon and his friends have nowhere to live anymore. Jack doesn’t have his beanstalk, Miss Muffet has lost her tuffet and the three bears have lost their cottage! The dragon has asked Primary 1 to help bring back Fairyland…
Today we found dragon footprints in our classroom! They belong to the dragon and his family. We decided to measure these footprints to find out what size the dragon is.
Well done Primary 1. Keep working hard!
Miss Toner
Primary 1 Measure!
Article 29
Our education should help us use and develop our talents and abilities.
We have been learning about ‘tall’ and ‘short’ in measure. Everyone in the class arranged themselves in height order. We found objects in the classroom which were taller or shorter than 10 cubes and sorted them. We made tall and short trees and flowers from playdough for Fairyland. We even got to measure Jack and the Giant with pencils to see who was taller!