Tag Archives: Commonwealth

Bags of Life

Article 30

You have the right to enjoy your own culture, practice your own religion and use your own language.

We have been learning about the beautiful country of South Africa and comparing it with life here in Scotland.  We thought it would be a really good idea to share our huge diverse culture, traditions, history and lifestyles with some children in South Africa.  So, we decided to create ‘our life in a bag’ – a paper suitcase filled with pictures, photographs, coins, information etc. – explaining the rich environment we live in and send them to two primary schools in the Port Elizabeth area; Lorraine Primary and Herbert Hurd Primary.

The bags are now on their way and we have had a look at the websites of both schools online.  We have already had a response from one of the schools, who have emailed to say they are really excited about our projects and have started creating a collage to send back.  We can’t wait!!