Tag Archives: collaborative learning

P5b’s digital week

This has been a busy week in P5b. We have really enjoyed digital week and learned lots of new things.

Some of the activities we took part in are coding, debugging, a silent disco, QR hunt and a VR experience.

Chloe – My favourite part was the silent disco.

Charlie – My favourite part of the week was QR hunt as we had to go around the school to find all the different parts of the story.

Ellie – My favourite was the silent disco because it had lots of different music to listen to.

Daniel – My favourite part of the week was making a presentation about solids, liquids and gases. I worked well with my group.

Szymon – My favourite part of the week was when we did the hour of code because it was fun.

Alex – I learned about solids, liquids and gases and made a presentation using powerpoint.

Erin – I learned how to use clips this week.

Kacper – I learned how to debug this week.

Cameron – I learned how to use scratch this week.

We also had a day on Friday where we only used digital technology. What a busy week! We have learned so much. Thank you to our digital leaders for helping us.


Perfect Popping in Primary 6!

Last week we were practicing using ‘an’ and ‘a’ in sentences based on words with vowel sounds. Some of it was quite tricky because we thought it only mattered if the next word began with a,e,i,o or u, but ACTUALLY be discovered that words with any vowel sound would have ‘an’ for example….

‘An honest man’ would have an instead of a because the h is silent and the word starts with a ‘o’ sound!

Once we finally got to the bottom of it we worked in teams to complete a quick assessment of what we had learned. We worked in 2 teams in a race against time! We had to read a sentence with ‘a’ or ‘an’ missing then put it into the correct category… sounds easy? Well the trick was the sentences were inside balloons! We had to pop the balloon first! As soon as Miss Miller and Miss King said ‘Go!’ the classroom turned into a frenzy of cheering and excitement! At the end we made sure everyone had placed their sentence in the correct category and it showed us that most people had really grasped using a and an properly! We are looking forward to using this game to assess our learning in other areas soon!




Primary 3 completed lots of work recently on fractions. To show our understanding of all that we learned we completed Miss King’s ‘PIZZA CHALLENGE’ we had to work n pairs to create our very own pizza but it had to meet a very specific criteria! Each quarter had to be different and we could only use a certain number of toppings! It was great fun! Then on Thursday we made our pizzas then waited a whole 24 hours… On Friday morning Mrs Thomson form the kitchen put our pizzas in the oven and by playtime our pizzeria was in full swing! We all ate our creations and listened to Italian music.