Tag Archives: Achievement

Home Learning in Primary 6


Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning. We learned how to use brackets in numeracy to help us group numbers in order to work out the answer easily.

Our writing focus was creating a persuasive letter to the Council regarding our thoughts on graffiti. We looked at some of the debating issues around this topic and the work of the graffiti artist, Banksy.  The pupils produced very well thought out and mature opinions on the subject.

Graffiti – click this link to see our points of view.

Our Science work focused on chemical reactions as we used some household solutions to try and clean the copper oxide from some old 1p and 2p coins. The most effective solution was ketchup due to the mixture of acid and salt.

We developed our drawing skills by using a Disney animation tutorial to create portraits of Pluto and other favourite Disney characters.

In Spanish, we videoed ourselves having a conversation about our feelings and role playing two characters, it was lots of fun.

Well done Primary 6 ! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.


WOW! We are so lucky to have a school full of amazing, kind, helpful and talented children in our school! Today some of them took to the stage to showcase their talents at the annual Saint Nicholas Has Got Talent event!

The staff and pupils were blown away by wonderful singing, dancing, gymnastics and taekwondo! Everyone was laughing at the wonderful jokes!

To end the show there was a special surprise as some of the teachers took to the stage to perform! We had been practicing all week after school!

Hope you all had a good time! Enjoy the holidays everyone!



Congratulations Isla in P5!

On Saturday Isla was highland dancing at the Bathgate Highland Games.  In the fling dance she came in 3rd place, in the sword dance she came in 6th place, in the sean tribuhas she came in 1st place, in the hullachan reel she came in 4th place and in the special fling she came in 3rd place.  Well done Isla!  What an amazing achievement.  We are all so proud of you.  Congratulations.  Isla was presented with the overal West Lothian Beginner Trophy!  You are a STAR!


Primary 3 Round Up!

Primary 3 are delighted to finally be able to begin sharing our learning with you!

Please look out for regular updates about all the fun we have been having and all the things we have been learning!

Here are some pictures of some of the things we have been getting up to…

Broxburn Football Tournament!

Well done to all the boys playing in the Broxburn Schools Football Tournament at the Albyn last Friday.

The Yellow, White and Green teams all had a great time and came back with some fantastic results!

A huge thank you to Mr Gorman and Mr Devlin for their continued support with the football teams!

Look out for pictures of our brand new strips- coming soon!

Lewis goes the Whole Hog!

Article 15

We can meet with friends and join different club and groups

During the Summer holidays, Lewis attended a huge Scouting Jamboree with the Cubs in Hampshire, England.  Throughout the week long camp, he was set a number of challenges and in order to achieve the unique ‘ Hampshire Hog Challenge’ badge, Lewis had to show that he had got involved in the fantastic range of activities available at the camp by participating in at least five of them.  These included washing up before leaving the site at least twice, getting wet at least once, flying a model aircraft at least 5m, playing a game with another pack and visiting three ‘Continents’ on the site.  Within the Continents there were some more challenging activities to conquer such as caving, water sports and tree climbing.  The picture shows Lewis proudly showing us all the badges that he managed to earn during this extremely adventurous week.  Well done, Lewis.

Football Festival!

Article 29

We have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.

Today the primary 7 football team were invited to take part in a football festival at Howden St Andrew’s Primary School! We played 4 games against teams from St Pauls, St Andrews, Holy Family and Livingston Village. We are very pleased to announce that we won every game!

This was a great opportunity to meet with other primary 7s from different schools, thank you to Howden St Andrew’s Primary School for organising the event!

A huge thank you to Mrs Bell and Mrs Thompson for driving us there and cheering us on from Miss King and the team!

Race for Life

Article 24

You have the right to the best health possible and to medical care and information

A huge congratulations to Katriona (P5A) who, for the second year in a row, completed the Race for Life at Hopetoun House.  She is becoming such a pro that she even managed to beat her time from last year, finishing the 5K course in under 1 hour.  This is a tremendous cause and a superb achievement, Katriona.  Well done 🙂

A Film Critic in the Making

The St Nicholas filmclub is very proud to announce that one of their members, Seren (P5B), recently won Review of the Week.  No tall order I can assure you, as  Seren’s review was chosen from all those written across the entire UK!

The review was written after she watched the film, ‘Arrietty’.  Here’s what Seren had to say about it:

Beneath the floorboards of a kitchen in Tokyo, a 14 year old lives with her parents which are the same size as her.  They may seem tiny but they are much more. Two ladies and a young boy live in the house above.  The story is about the Borrowers and is about how they live in the house with humans.  It is a 10/10 story because it has lots of cliffhangers and excitement in it. 

I give it *****