All posts by Miss Doolan

Spring has arrived! Primary 1’s Week of Learning 25.3.2022

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1! Spring has arrived and we have been making the most of the lovely weather, noticing new flowers blooming and lots of warm sunshine. We were inspired to write a description of Spring and create some arts and crafts too.

In Literacy we have recapped some of our more tricky sounds and developed our skills in writing sentences, using capital letters and full stops. We learned to recognise and form the capital letters O and P. We are making great progress with our reading skills, noticing where the full stops are and taking a little pause. Some of us are even beginning to use expression and change our voices a little for each character. Super!

In Maths we have continued to learn about measure, this week focusing on weight. We enjoyed practical activities using balancing scales and kitchen scales to explore ‘heavy’, ‘light’ and ‘equal’.

For RERC, as we are in Lent, we learned about Palm Sunday, when Jesus paraded through the streets of Jerusalem and people cheered for Him. We discussed how special Jesus was when he was alive and how people were very excited to see Him.

Finally, we enjoyed our teddy bears’ picnic on Wednesday outside in the sunshine and look forward to our final week of the term next week.

Primary 1’s Week of Learning (14.1.22)

We are pleased to be back at school and have had a super week! We have been revising some of our trickier sounds (ai, oa, sh, ch etc.) and using them to write short sentences. Our teachers are very impressed that we can do this, remembering to use finger spaces and full stops. Wow! We have been reading our new books at home and in school, and we are noticing our sight words in the stories.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 30, and have had a go at writing the numbers between 21 and 30. We can use tools such as Rekenreks and Numicon to build numbers to 20 and add to 10, or more. Some of us can now do this independently. We are successful and confident learners!

We have also enjoyed some Science this week, learning about day & night. We learned that the Earth moves around the sun, and when we have daylight, other parts of the world are sleeping. We used a torch and a globe as an experiment to show this before we went outside to create chalk drawings. You can see some photos of our drawings below.

In Music, we have been listening to Scottish tunes and practising keeping the beat with different percussion instruments. We are looking forward to learning more about Scotland and our culture over the next couple of weeks with our teachers.


Learning in Primary 1 (Week beginning 1st November)


We have had lots of fun this week learning our new sounds (‘g’, ‘v’ and ‘z’) through play activities. We have developed lots of skills across the curriculum with our class Garden Centres and Vets. We created ‘Super Veggies’ using real vegetables after being inspired by the Supertato series of books! We really enjoy role play in Primary 1 and many of us choose to play with these activities everyday.

Our teachers are also very impressed that we are all progressing with blending sounds together to read and write words, and some of us can write short sentences with the teacher’s help. We have all been very excited to take reading books home this week for the first time too. We have spotted lots of common words in our books and we had a go at reading the sentences. Well done!


This week we have been learning to count forwards in 2s and recognise doubles.

We have used lots of materials in the classroom to help us: Numicon, Rekenreks, dice patterns, cubes, toy teddies and toy dinosaurs! We enjoy singing along to songs and playing digital games to practise our numbers too.

Learning Across the Curriculum

We discussed Bonfire Night and how to keep safe if we are near fireworks. We are looking forward to seeing all the bright colours in the sky and created some firework art using neon paint and black card. We learned some of the words we can use to describe what fireworks look and sound like, such as ‘pop’, ‘bang’ ‘whizz’ and ‘explode’! As a Laudato Si school, we have been learning that our planet is beautiful and God-given. We enjoyed ‘Eat all your lunch’ day and tried very hard to eat everything on our plate. Food waste is not good for our planet. We also painted pebbles with flowers to contribute to our school display, showing how much we love our environment.

Primary 1



Learning in Primary 1 (Week Beginning 25.10.2021)

What super fun we’ve had this week in Primary 1!  What have we been doing?


We learned three new sounds this week: h, u and d. We are learning to recognise, write and hear these sounds in words. We have been blending the sounds with other ones to make words and we even had a go at writing some sentences together with our teachers! We are learning that we need a capital letter, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end. We are becoming more confident with reading our first ten common words and next week we will take home our next set of ten.

Our writing lesson on Thursday was linked to our topic, Dinosaurs! We had to use our fantastic imaginations to create a dinosaur pet. We discussed what it would look like, what size it would be and what its name would be. We drew detailed drawings of our imaginary pet dinosaurs and our teachers helped us to write down our great descriptions.


We have been using the Rekenreks to help us develop our number sense. A Rekenrek looks like a small abacus with 20 beads (10 on the top and 10 on the bottom), and we use it to count and to visualise numbers. We explored different ways to make numbers to 10. For example, 6 could be made from 3+3, 5+1 or 4+2. We also continued to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 and used number lines to help us say which number comes ‘before’ and ‘after’.

Learning Across the Curriculum

We are learning lots about dinosaurs! We know that some were carnivores and some were herbivores. We have labelled different parts of a dinosaur and are taking good care of the special ‘fragile’ boxes the Edinburgh Professor Alexander sent us. We hope to find out more about what’s inside soon! In Music we have been learning songs about dinosaurs too – lots of fun! On Friday we enjoyed dressing up in our Halloween costumes. We danced to spooky music, printed pumpkin art, made masks and monsters, and were grateful to the Parent Council for our bags of sweeties. Thank you!

Primary 1

Another great week in Primary 1a, 1b and 2/1

We have all had another fun and busy week in Primary 1 and Primary 2/1. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed:

In Literacy, we learned the sounds ‘v’, ‘g’ and ‘z’. We also practised blending sounds together to read and write words – we are getting really good at this! We wrote a recount of a story called ‘The Bird and the Cat’ and some of us in Primary 2 tried our best to write short sentences with finger spaces. Wow!

In Maths we practised putting the days of the week in order. We know that we don’t come to school on Saturdays and Sundays as this is the weekend. We also learned about the seasons and the months of the year. This was quite tricky so we will keep practising this in school and at home.

Well done to everyone for trying Seesaw and Sumdog at home this week. Your teachers have particularly enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of your homework shared with us on Seesaw. Look out for next week’s homework and another maths challenge on Sumdog.

Finally, we have had some Halloween fun this week with a themed obstacle course in PE, arts & crafts, dances, emotion spinners and party games in our fantastic costumes!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Another fun week in Primary 1a, 1b and 2/1

We have had a great week with lots of fun indoors and outdoors. Here are a few things we have been up to:

  • We enjoyed P.E. outdoors with Mr Muldoon
  • We practised ‘friends to 10’ and made paper chains in maths
  • We learned ‘h’, ‘u’ and ‘d’ in literacy, and practised blending all the sounds we have learned so far to make words, such as ‘m – u – d’ = ‘mud’
  • Some of us read our reading books
  • We had a go at coding on the iPads and with the Beebots – thank you Miss Gibson!
  • We enjoyed being outdoors, collecting leaves and sticks to make hedgehogs and autumn wreaths. We will learn more about autumn after the holidays as part of our topic

We hope you all enjoy the October break and can’t wait to see you all after the holidays!


Primary 4’s Weekly Reflections

Primary 4 have been impressing their teachers again with lots of great effort and work on Teams this week! Well done everyone.

In Numeracy we have been learning the 7 times table and stretching our brain with different number challenges. We have also enjoyed active learning tasks around right angle turns. Some children sent us video clips of them following instructions to make different quarter turns to the right. Very impressive!

In Literacy we have learned to spell the names of different European countries and have placed them on the map. In writing we pretended we were owners of a 5 star hotel and created persuasive posters for Ed Sheeran to come and stay! We enjoyed reading the first chapter of JK Rowling’s new book, ‘The Ickabog’, and developed our skills in making notes and organising information under different headings.

We had lots of fun on Thursday when we went on a ‘virtual’ class trip to Edinburgh Zoo! All of our activities were based around buying entry tickets, visiting Penguin Rock, researching different zoo animals and creating animal masks to wear. We even visited the online shop and chose a ‘zoovenir’  to buy.

Here are some reflections from our P4 children:

“The tricky part was the right angles and the easy part was reading ‘The Ickabog’.”

“I enjoyed learning about all the animals of Edinburgh Zoo because all the activities were fun.”

“I enjoyed learning the 7 times table because I didn’t know it but now I do.”

“My favourite thing was learning about the European countries – now I know how to spell their names, where they are on the map and what their capitals are.”

“My learning in Numeracy this week can help me work out my change when I go to the shops for juice and sweets.”

“I enjoyed reading the first chapter of ‘The Ickabog’.”

“I really enjoyed researching koalas as they are my favourite animal.”

“I enjoyed the Health and Wellbeing PE challenge because I love gymnastics.”

Another Fantastic Week in P4!

Primary 4 have had another fun-filled week with lots of activities to keep them busy at home. In Literacy we revised homophones, especially ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’. We also enjoyed some performance poetry by Michael Rosen. This one was called ‘Chocolate Cake’. Yum! He brought the poem to life by using onomatopoeia, so we learned a little about this too.

In Numeracy we revised fractions and applied our knowledge of division to find fractions of money. We also had fun creating our own Tangrams online!

Some children got creative with their food this week and made pieces of art with their meals or snacks! Others followed drawing tutorials online and improved their skills.

On Sunday it will be the Feast of Pentecost so we have discussed how the Disciples might have felt when the Holy Spirit came down upon them like tongues of fire. Some of our P4 children would have been celebrating their First Holy Communion this weekend and are feeling sad that they cannot.  We look forward to the time when we can all celebrate with them.

Primary 4 have reflected on their learning this week. Here is what they had to say.

“The food creation was my favourite. I made a banana car and it was funny.”

“I liked the maths because you can use fractions for slicing a piece of cake or pizza.”

“I enjoyed the onomatopoeia song!”

“I like performance poetry because I found it really fun!”

“Fractions are useful in everyday life, for example when telling the time.”

“This week I had fun making the sunburst painting and I put it on my window so now my room is colourful.”

“I like watching Newsround.”

“I enjoyed fractions. It was hard to start with but I got the hang of it in the end.”

Practically Perfect Primary 4!

Yes, we have been revising alliteration this week in Primary 4! We have also learned about the Scottish man who is famous for inventing the TV, John Logie Baird.  Our spelling sound this week was ‘tch’ and we took part in some fun activities including making  a pairs game with our words. Tuesday was National Limerick Day so we had lots of fun creating our own limericks. Some of us found this hard but we had a growth mindset and persevered!

In Maths we have learned about volume and capacity and also worked on repeated addition for multiplication sums. Our STEM activities this week included drawing a 3D alphabet and creating bird feeders. It’s been a busy week and lots of fun. Here’s what some of our brilliant P4 children had to say:

“I found the capacity experiment was fun and easy to do.”

“I enjoyed learning about John Logie Baird because I found it interesting.”

“I enjoyed filling the basin with water and guessing how many litres it would take.”

“I can help my mum cook by telling her about the litres and millilitres.”

“I liked making the bird feeder this week. I learned that birds like to eat apples, cherries, grapes, sunflower seeds and nuts.”

“I have enjoyed art and history this week.”

“This week I learned how to write a limerick. It was really fun and and I enjoyed finding rhymes and counting the syllables.”

“I can use volume and measuring at the shops because I can tell how much milk or water there is in a container.”

“I enjoyed art because I like drawing pictures for my comic strip.”

Primary 4’s Home Learning Reflections

This week in Primary 4 all the children have been working very hard as usual. Their digital technology skills are improving everyday and they are sharing their brilliant work with their teachers through Teams.

We have enjoyed active spelling activities and P.E. challenges, as well as practising subtraction strategies and learning more about weight in Maths. Our Famous Scot this week was Charles Rennie Mackintosh and some children enjoyed drawing their own ‘Mackintosh Rose’.  Every week children in Primary 4 are improving their writing skills through ‘Weekend News’ and story writing tasks. Well done boys and girls! We have finished our week by praying a Hail Mary as today is the 1st of May (the month of Mary).

Here are some Friday Reflections from our P4 pupils:

“I enjoyed learning about art because I can get better at drawing and making posters.”

“I learned new number talk strategies and how to write in paragraphs.”

“I enjoyed learning about plurals because it’s really fun.”

“This week I got more confident with subtraction strategies. I think the formal strategy works best for me.”

“I can use what I learned about weight when i’m baking.”

“The Maths quizzes were really fun.”

“I found the subtraction sums hard to start then it was easy.”

“I have been enjoying Health and Wellbeing because it’s really fun.”

“I enjoyed mindfulness because it’s relaxing and it makes me calm.”

Primary 4’s Weekly Update

This week in Primary 4 we have been busy as usual.

In topic we have learned a little bit about deforestation, for example every minute in the forest trees the same size as twenty football pitches are cut down.

In P.E. we have been playing Continuous Dodgeball.  We need to be quick and alert.

We have been challenging ourselves in times tables this week. We have a sticker chart in our classrooms to show what tables everyone knows well.

We have also been learning about adverbs. An adverb is an adjective to describe a verb.

We used adjectives and adverbs to describe a rainforest setting in our writing.

P4a’s Learning

We have been working with our learning partners to help each other learn. We will have a new partner each week to help us talk about our learning and share ideas. From now on we will do TOP TEN every morning [ten maths sums]. We will work with our learning partners for this to share strategies.

We have started a new topic in Maths and that is measurement. We will do length for now but we will do different types of things like weight and distance.

In Literacy, we have been writing an adventure story called ‘Tom Trueheart and the Land of Dark Stories’. We have tried our best to describe the settings and characters using adjectives and adverbs, and to write in paragraphs. We will create front and back covers for our stories next week.

On Thursday we went swimming for our swimming assessments. If we get a letter in the next week or so, that means we are being offered free swimming lessons.

We have also been lucky enough to learn about Ramadan from some children in our class who are celebrating this Muslim festival. We now know that during Ramadan, Muslims pray more, give to the poor and fast. Adults fast everyday between dawn and dusk!

Written by Matthew and Zofia (P4a)

P4a’s Week

Our Friday music sessions with NYCoS are coming to an end next week. We have been enjoying learning about beat, rhythm and musical notation over the past few months. Today we worked in groups to create and perform our own music!

Tavia – ‘We’ve been learning to write our own music.’

Leon – ‘We were in groups to do this and my group used the shakers.’

Zofia – ‘We were playing altogether like a band.’

Baillie – ‘We had to sing the musical notes so, mi and la.’

Michael – ‘We had 4 beat spots and we had the choice to use ta, te-te and rests.’

Santiago – ‘We finished with the song ‘There’s Someone Living on a High, High Hill’ which is one of our favourites!’


In topic this week we have been learning about the mystery of Lord Darnley’s murder. Some people believe his wife, Mary Queen of Scots, was guilty but to this day we still don’t know for sure. It really is a mystery!

In class, we looked at the evidence, re-enacted the trial and put forward our own opinions of who we believe was guilty. We took a vote:

Mary, Queen of Scots – 1 vote

Queen Elizabeth I – 3 votes

James, Earl of Bothwell – 17 votes

James, 1st Earl of Moray (her half-brother) – 1 vote

Someone else – 4 votes

We are really looking forward to our trip next week to Duncarron Medieval Village where we will learn more about what life was like in these times!

P4a’s Week of Learning

We have had another busy week in P4a.

In Topic and Literacy, we wrote about Famous Scots who inspire us.

Michael – Andy Murray inspires me because he is a very good tennis player and when I grow up I want to be the same.

Kaylan – John Logie Baird inspires me because when I grow up I want to be an inventor too.

Lara – Saint Margaret inspires me because she helped the poor and when I grow up I want to help others by being a teacher.

Leon – Andy Murray inspires me because when I grow up I want to help children play tennis too.

We have started making giant posters about all the ‘Famous Scots’ we have learned about the past few weeks, bringing together our skills in ICT, reading, writing and research.

In Numeracy we have changed our focus to ‘Time’. We learned about using a calendar and we made our own, adding some important events such as class birthdays and the February Break! We played games with the clocks too, recapping o’clock and half past times.

On Tuesday, Archbishop Leo Cushley came to visit our school. His Grace came to our classroom and we sang him some songs about the 12 Disciples. We also prayed together for all the people who help us in Primary 4, especially as we prepare for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Finally, in Music we played ball games, sung songs and learned about the rhythm names: ta and te-te.

Have a lovely weekend!





P4a’s Week

We have had another busy week in P4a. In Maths  we have been doing fractions – halves, quarters and tenths. We learned more about what ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’ mean.

In Literacy we were doing presentations about famous Scottish people. Miss Doolan says she is very impressed by all of our presenting skills! Our topic work in class this week included learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We then drew our own ‘Mackintosh Roses’.


In gym we were doing volleyball and gymnastics with Mr Muldoon. In gymnastics we were doing jumps from benches eg. pencil jumps, tuck jumps and star jumps.

Our music lesson was fun. We were learning more about beat and rhythms.

Finally for Robert Burns Day we recited our Scottish poems then we got Irn Bru, short bread and cake (because it was also Raqab’s birthday!)

P4a’s Wonderful Week

This week we have been busy.

In maths we learnt how to do number patterns/sequences and practised division with remainders and without.

Our topic is Famous Scots. We learned that Scottish clans often have their own tartans so we made our own!

In gym we are doing gymnastics so we were doing jumps over a bench this week.

For spelling we were revising the qu sound and we remembered that q to have a u beside it. Our tasks included unscrambling qu words and making a wordsearch for someone else to do.

On Friday we have music with NYCoS. We did singing games and practiced keeping a steady beat along with rhymes.



Primary 4a’s Week of Learning

Primary 4 have had a busy week!

In Writing we had to describe a picture. The picture was a setting for a story. We had to include adjectives, nouns and adverbs. Next week we will begin to write character descriptions.

On Tuesday we walked to Broxburn Academy for the Benchball Festival. We were sorted into teams and we played some rounds of Benchball against other schools. We really enjoyed this even though we had to use mats instead of benches!

In Numeracy we have been learning about Money. We can convert pence into pounds and pounds into pence. We can also add sums of money together to make totals. Some children brought in different currencies for us to look at. Cole brought coins from the Czech Republic, Michael showed us some euros, Adam brought in Algerian money and Kyle introduced us to the Indian rupee.

In Health and Wellbeing we have begun to learn about the importance of keeping ourselves clean and healthy. Miss Doolan brought in two pieces of bread for us to use in an experiment. We all touched one piece without washing our hands, and Cole touched another piece AFTER washing his hands. We put the bread in separate bags, labelled them and hung them up in our classroom. Our aim is to see which piece gets more mouldy in the next week or two.

Primary 4 Celebrate Robert Burns Day

Primary 4 have been learning about the very famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns. We now know lots of facts about him!

Milo – Robert Burns is sometimes called ‘Rabbie’.

Erin – He is a famous poet and songwriter who lived in the 1700s.

Tatenda – He started writing poems when he was younger to impress the ladies.

Finlay A. – He lived in a cottage in Alloway.

Alex – Robert Burns grew up on a farm. His Dad died when he was 25 so Rabbie had to take over the farm with his brother.

Ellie – Robert Burns died when he was only 37 years old.

On Robert Burns Day we celebrated in class by tasting some Scottish foods and celebrating our Scottish culture.

Neve, Neve, Fallon and Carson entertained us with some Highland Dancing. Finlay F. treated us to ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and both he and Connor played ‘Scotland the Brave’. Matthew read one of Burns’ famous poems called ‘Address to the Haggis’.

We got to taste haggis, shortbread, oatcakes and Irn-Bru. Yum! We took a vote to see which was the most popular of the foods. Irn-Bru had the most votes, while haggis had the least number of votes because it was ‘too spicy’!