P5’s Wonderful Week

Another busy week for the P5’s! Lots of learning and fun was had!


We learnt more spelling patterns and practised these in class.  We also used our digital learning skills to create a word seatch, this was fun!

We continued to use the roles in literacy circles to help us with our comprehension skills and did lots of reading in class.  We are making a big effort to read as much as we can.


We focussed on the compensation skill in ‘Number Talks’ and made posters explaining how this strategy works. We have moved on to reading and writing 6 digit numbers.  We have also practised our multiplication facts with our number partner.


We spoke about our one trusted adult and checked in on a daily basis with our teachers. We know that we are cared for and respected and can talk to our trusted adults at any time.


We got our hands dirty (not really! ) to become mini engineers and  designed a a STOP/GO sign.  We were given a design brief and then left to it and encouraged to be as creative as we wanted.  We really enjoyed this task as it made us think and none of them looked the same.  We are looking forward to doing more STEM challenges as in the bext few weeks.


During R.E we learnt that Jesus has many roles : Priest, Prophet and King. We spoke about occasions and stories from the Bible which show these roles and spoke about the importance of leading our lives in his example.

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