P2 Weekly Update!

We have had a busy few days in P2.

We were practising our ball skills and skipping in PE- Orla

We were using drumsticks in Music to tap the beat of the song- Macie

We have been learning how many edges and vertices different 2D shapes have.  We have been looking at parallelogram, square, octagon, rectangle, circle and a triangle. -Matty and Penny

We made Chatterpix to tell everyone about the properties of 2D shapes.- Lauren

We learned how to say different healthy food in Spanish. Potatoes is Patatas, fish is pescado and orange is naranja- Ethan

We have been talking about the values of our school. Our values are friendship, honesty, trust, kindness, respect and fairness.- Jack



Re-drafting our writing in P6

We learned how to improve on our volleyball club leaflets. Our teacher gave us some tips and showed us what a good one looks like. Here are some tips we found useful:

  1. Choose three complimentary colours to make the leaflet eye catching.
  2. Use graphics and bubbles to make the important information stand out.
  3. Bullet points help to organise information. We used them to list the benefits of the club.

We could all see an improvement in our second draft and will use these tips again.


P3 Weekly Update w.b. 16.9.19

Primary Three have had a very busy short week, keep reading to find out more:

  • We enjoyed painting Autumn trees this week, we used paint brushes for our tree trunks and cotton buds for our autumn leaves. (Zuzanna and Orla)
  • We have enjoyed Spanish this week, we were playing games and sing songs. (Weronika & Andrew)
  • We have been enjoying using the Rekenrek for our Number Talks this week. We found that the most efficient strategy was the counting on strategy, we have also been making friendly numbers (Tinashe & Lena S.)
  • As part of our Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds topic, Lena S’ mum came to speak to us about Diabetes, we enjoyed learning lots more about this (Aaliyah).
  • We enjoyed going to assembly this week because we got to hear updates from the Eco, Health & Sport, Justice & Peace and the Pupil Council committees (Sadie).
  • In Music, we enjoyed learning about rhythm, we had to read the notes on the board and drum along while saying the names of the notes as well, (Sara & Daniel)
  • We have been enjoying learning about ball skills this week, we learned to bounce a ball on a bat to help us play tennis. (Sophia & Jack)
  • We enjoyed going to the library, we all chose a book to keep in our classroom until our next visit. (Sophie)
  • We enjoyed doing our Picture It activity for Reflective Reading, we had to read a text and pick out key words to help us create a picture of the main character, Blart. (Joshua)
  • We are still enjoying learning our cursive script, we are trying really hard to keep our letters the right size. (Weronika)

P1 Weekly Update

Despite having a short week, P1 have been very busy! Here are some of the things we have been learning about this week:

Cameron- We were learning about an artist.

Nela- The artist used some fruits and vegetables to make a face.

Ava P- His name was Giuseppe (Arcimboldo).

Lena- We planted some cress.

Logan- We put cotton wool in the bottom of a cup.

Travis- We put some water in the cup.

Maya G- We put the cups on the window after we plated them.

Artur- They need the sun.

Kyle- We were putting numbers in the right order.

Amy- We have to start at the smallest number and then go to the biggest.

Zack B- We have been learning the sound “n”.


We have also been learning about our school values this week. Here are some of our values:

Ava B- We need to share to be fair.

Ollie- We have to be kind.

Zara- Be a good friend.

Zak K- Be honest.

Ava P- Trust is one of them.





Primary 5’s Wonderful Week !

Image result for basketball clipart

It has been a short week but still a busy one in Primary 5.

In literacy we have been writing, writing writing ! We wrote great newspaper articles again and are really enjoying being journalists!

In numeracy we did ‘Number Talks’ and place value games as well as practising our times tables with our ‘Perfect Partners’.

In P.E we worked together in our basketball teams and played matches.  We used the skills that we have been taught including how to pivot, dribble, shoot, pass and score.  We are really enjoying our P.E sessions.

We had a quick litter pick around our school playground.  We didn’t have lots of litter we are pleased to report!

P5 have been asked to organise a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan.  We are really looking forward to working together to organise this next week. Watch this space for more details !


P7a had a ‘mathy-mathematical’ maths week!

On Thursday, we learned about 2D and 3D shapes in maths, our learning included going on a shape hunt to take photos using the I-pad of shapes in our school environment, naming shapes and their properties and creating shape riddles – can you figure out this one?

‘I have 3 sides of different lengths
I am a 2D shape with 3 sides and 3 vertices, what am I?’
– Scalene Triangle (Maya)

We have been focusing on our Number Talks with Mrs Heather, especially addition. Some of the strategies we used were compensation, partitioning, friendly numbers and rounding up. We also did a clapping game to practice our times tables this was very fun and multiplying 2 digit numbers and 1 digit numbers.

In writing we have been learning how to write a news article these are the things that we need to include: headline, byline, lead, body and tail. Things that might enhance our article are quotes and facts.

We were also introduced to debating this week. The subjects that we debated were seasons that are more fun e.g winter and summer, that school canteens should only sell healthy foods and should students be able to pick their own subjects at school.