P3’s Weekly Update

This week so far we have been busy bees!

In Literacy, we have started to learn about poetry and we know that not all poems need to rhyme and that they can be split into verses.  They also have patterns and can be read to a rhythm.  We made up actions for a poem and performed to our class.


In Numeracy, we have been looking at number patterns and counting in 5s and 10s from lots of different numbers.  We noticed that when you count up in 10s that the ones column number doesn’t change and that when you are using a 100 hundred square you just need to jump down.  When you count in 5s there is a pattern for example, 1,6,11,16,21 etc.


In Science we have started to learn about Freezing and Melting.  We found out that water freezes when the temperature is 0 degrees or below.  We also learned that water can be solid, liquid and gas.


In RE, we have started to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We have been learning about Baptism and talking about our Godparents and where we were Baptised.


In PE we have started to do some gymnastics and have been practising different types of jumps like star jumps, stretch jumps and tuck jumps.


Can you believe that we have done all of that work so far and it is only Wednesday?!

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