Primary 1a’s Weekly Evaluation.

What have we learnt ? 

What have we enjoyed ?

Thomas – I have learnt how to do gymnastics.

I have enjoyed going to gym.

Grady – I have learnt that there is a museum in Glasgow called the Riverside Museum. You will see lots of old stuff.

I have enjoyed doing number time.

Santiago – I have learnt how to say some animals in Spanish.

I have enjoyed watching Numberjacks at wet play.

Kacper – I have learnt a new sound igh.

I have enjoyed writing on the board.

Leon –  I have learnt new sounds 

I have enjoyed doing gymnastics.

Times Table Thursday


Each Thursday P5 are set different activities to develop their knowledge of the times tables. We have played ‘Beat the Teacher’ to find out who can recite their tables the quickest. Miss Morgan managed the six times table in 11 seconds !! We played multiplication bingo, made multiplication fortune tellers, solved multiplication problems and used online resources to become times tables experts. We had so much fun today with our warm up activity using Mr G’s Musical Maths website. This site provides lyrics and popular soundtracks for times table songs. As the children were keen to practise the songs at home please find the link below.


Robert Burns

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Primary 5 have been investigating the life and work of Robert Burns this week. We were very impressed on Monday at our ‘Poetry Recital’ when Finlay was not only able to recite ‘Address to a Haggis’, he was also happy to give us an extract from ‘To a Mouse’. Fabulous work, Finlay!

The children then used luggage tags to create a micro portrait of the bard. We quickly realised that it is quite tricky to add intricate detail to a portrait on a smaller scale. However we applied our growth mindset and were delighted with our finished artworks.

The Shortbread Taste Challenge

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This week Primary 5 were busy baking shortbread. They had to weigh out the ingredients and follow the recipe and then add three different flavourings. Once they were baked we then took the ‘Shortbread Taste Challenge’ with our partners. We had to identify the three favours – vanilla, lemon and strawberry. Vanilla was the most popular flavour but everyone agreed that our shortbread tasted delicious.

Terrific Tartans.

We have enjoyed learning about tartan in our class.  We have learnt that tartan is a Scottish checked pattern.  Some of the lines go across the way and some go down the way.  We learnt that there are lots and lots and lots of different kinds of tartans and each one usually has a Scottish family’s name.  Michael and Niamh very kindly brought in their tartan kilts to show us.  They were both very different !  We also learnt that long ago you could tell which family a person belonged to just by looking at the tartan that they wore.

Look at the tartans that we designed !

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What have we learnt so far ?

Primary 1 are fair enjoying their  topic.  It is fandaaaabie dozeeeeee !

Whit dae we ken so far ?

(What do we know so far ?)

Michael – Nessie lives in Loch Ness.

Catherine – A ‘Heilan Coo’ is a highland cow.

Lucas C (P1b) – Inverness is near the top of Scotland in the Highlands.

Lucas C (P1a) – The Scotland flag is called the St Andrew’s cross.

Raqab- ‘Bahookie’ is the Scottish word for bottom.

Lucas T – Robert Burns was a writer.

Luca – Loch Ness is near Inverness.

Anya – Edinburgh Castle is on an old volcano.

Lots of super listening and finding out bairns !

Guid joab a’body !

(Good job everyone !)

Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Baty. 

Sensational Scots in Primary 5

Primary 5 have been working hard on their Scottish Tourism project.  Last week we learned all about the wildlife in the Highlands and this week we are creating Robert Burns fact files.  Here are some of the children who learned the “Address To A Haggis” word for word as part of their homework challenges this week and others working hard on their art-work…Fantastic work!

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Primary 1a’s Weekly Evaluation.

What have we learnt this week?

What have we enjoyed ?

Cole – I have learnt about tartan.  It is a pattern.

I enjoyed painting my tartan.

Fynn  – I have learnt about Nessie.

I liked making my tartan.

Anya  – I have learnt that jewels are in Edinburgh Castle.

I liked playing outside.

Umaima – I have been learning to talk in Spanish.

I liked it when we said Scottish words.

Super fun and learning in P1.



We have been very busy this week learning lots of new things about our topic. Hamish McHaggis took us on a tour of Edinburgh. We were amazed to find out that the castle was built on an old volcano and that long, long ago it was surrounded by water.   We also located Edinburgh on a map and found out that it is close to Broxburn!

We also took a ‘trip’ to Inverness. We learnt that it is the largest city in the Highlands. We explored Loch Ness and watched a clip of the loch . Some of us thought that we spotted something?! What could it be? Ah, Nessie ?  We learnt lots about her and had a vote. Nearly everyone believes in her ! Wonder where she is hiding?

We also used our super knowledge of our sounds to help us to write an imaginative story about her . We did a good job. Well done everyone !

Primary 5 Learn About Local Highlights

Primary 5A and B visited the Library today to listen to “Mrs Rabbie Burns” tell us about tourist attractions in the area.  We heard about the Kelpies, Beecraigs Park, The Five Sister’s Zoo, The Falkirk Wheel, Edinburgh Castle, Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh Zoo, Greyfriar’s Bobby and much, much more!  We were surprised at how many tourist attractions were local!

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Making Music – David Bowie style!

Every Thursday we complete a challenge in Primary 6 where we have to be creative, use our critical thinking skills or solve a problem by working as a team.

Last Thursday we completed a creative challenge, where we learned to write a song through David Bowie’s ‘cut up’ method! We took 3 songs by the Beetles, Stevie Wonder and Queen, and changed them into completely new songs, we made them into raps, added harmonies, changed the lyrics and the backing music. When we listened to the original song we were amazed with how different our versions were, it just goes to show how amazing things can be created when we add all our ideas.


Our Local area

Primary 3 and 3/2 are learning about Our Local Area this term as part of our school topic on Scotland.

This week for homework we interviewed our mum and dads about why they chose to live in this area. We found out that some of them chose to live here because it is a nice area, it is quiet, its very green, houses are cheaper than in Edinburgh so they could buy bigger houses and a lot of our families live here. Some families have lived here for over 20 years and others are new to the area.

Next week, we are going for a walk along Broxburn main street to look at the different shops and buildings we can see. We are then going to build Broxburn in our area. Please make sure you have a water proof jacket for our walk on Monday. If you have any old cardboard boxes could you please bring them into school to help us to build our 3D model of Broxburn. Thank you.

We will post photographs of our model when we are finished it. We can’t wait to start this next week.

Primary 1a’s Weekly Evaluation

What have we learnt this week ?

What have we enjoyed?

Lara- I have learnt how to work with a ten frame.

I have enjoyed sorting my learning log.

Flynn – I have learnt how to spell five new spelling words.

I have enjoyed looking at my bunting in our class.

Kyle – I have learnt a new sound oa.

I have enjoyed making the castle bunting.

Michael – I have learnt that the Scotland flag is called the St. Andrew’s Cross.

I have enjoyed learning the sound oa.

Umaima – I have learnt how to write a new sound.

I have enjoyed having golden time.

Primary 1b’s wonderful writing!!!

Since coming back after the holidays, primary 1b have been getting stuck into their work.

We have been very busy bees, and have been showing Mrs Baty how clever we all are!



We wrote some amazing sentences about our new year resolutions. We all have lovely plans for this year.

‘I want to help my mummy and daddy wash the dishes’ – Gabrielle

‘I want to eat more fruit’ – Adriana

‘I want to help look after the baby’ – Gabriel

We even had some resolutions for the following few years:

‘I want to look after my kids when I am older’ – Oliver (( how cute!!!))



We really impressed Mrs Baty when we wrote some imaginative sentences about what we might see in a castle. We used some AMAZING adjectives and some super language!!!

‘ In the haunted castle I saw a wolf. In the haunted castle I saw a humongous stretchy spider’ – Oliver

‘In the creepy castle I saw a witch with a green head. In the creepy castle I saw a bat with big wings and scary eyes’ – Martyna

‘In the castle I saw a king with a red cape. In the haunted castle I saw a black spider’ – Shay

‘In the humongous castle I saw a ghost, a giant and a dinosaur’ – Grace

‘In the scary castle I saw a ghost with a white nose’ – Adriana

‘In the creepy castle I saw a big spider that was hiding in the corner’ – Catherine

‘In the creepy castle I saw a monster with sharp claws’ – Brooke


I think we all deserve a well earned rest this weekend!!

Mrs Baty

Busy bees in P1a.


We have settled in really well after the holidays and have been working well and having fun learning new things.

What have we been doing ?

We have made new year’s resolutions .

We have been talking about how numbers are made up , eg : 3+2 =5

We have been learning how to say a very special prayer , the ‘Hail Mary’.

We have started our new topic , ‘Scotland and Edinburgh’.

Today , we made our very own Scotland flag and learnt that it is called the Saint Andrew’s Cross.


Primary 1’s exciting new topic

Primary 1 are very excited to have begun our new topic.

We are going to be learning about Scotland, with a focus on Edinburgh.

We have been discussing what we already know and what we would like to find out.


What do we know?                                                   

Niamh – Scotland is a country.

Liam – In Scotland there are castles.

Thomas – Sometimes it snows in Scotland.

Michael – Scotland is joined onto England.

Lara – You can have Scottish food like haggis.

Kyle – You can do Highland dancing.

Shay – Edinburgh is a place in Scotland.

Lucas C – Aberdeen is a place in Scotland.

Gabrielle – Highland cows stay in Scotland.

What do we want to know?

Racaab – I would like to find out about other places in Scotland.

Zophia – I would like to learn some Scottish songs and poems.

Kyle – I would like to find out about the Loch Ness Monster.

Catherine – I would like to find out about Scottish words

Grace – I would like to find out about Scottish clothes

Lucas T – I would like to find out about Scottish foods, and try some.

Michael – we could find out about highland cows and make one.



What do we know?                                                                     

Catherine – there is sometimes a big wheel in Edinburgh

Brooke – there is a castle in Edinburgh

Michael – there is a zoo in Edinburgh

Mia – there was a big fair in Edinburgh

Martyna – Edinburgh is cool

What do we want to know?

Niamh – I want to find out about Edinburgh castle.

Finn – I would like to go to Edinburgh Castle.

Michael – I would like to find out about Edinburgh zoo

Safaa – I would like to find out what Edinburgh used to look like.



To help us learn about Scotland, we have a friend who has come into our school to help us. His name is Hamish McHaggis. He knows lots about Scotland.


Look at us learning about where Scotland is in the world. The world is huge! The map was the same size as us!



We are looking forward to learning lots more about Scotland. Keep an eye on the blog for more updates.

Mrs Baty & Mrs Macdonald


Scotland the Best!

Primary 5 A and B have started to work on our “The Wonder of Scotland” tourism project.  We were reminded of our previous work on designing logos when we looked at the iconic designs on these Tunnock’s wrappers.   We were delighted with our “bonnie wee dugs” which we added to some 2016 calendars to take home. (We were also delighted when we got to eat the biscuits!)

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