Over the past 2 weeks…..


Primary 4/5K have been working on Coin Multiplication which involves the multiplication of 2 digit numbers by 1,2,5,10,20,50 and 100 – the value of certain coins in pence. It is beneficial to know how to multiply, double and half numbers to complete the coin multiplication cards. The class have been practising using taught strategies and by playing educational math games on the i-Pads.


Our Science and Technology lessons continued with the recording of our pulse before and after exercise to test the hypothesis, ‘Does exercise increase your heart rate?’ Our results showed that for the majority of children it did, however we realised that taking your own pulse is quite difficult to do. So with the help of Mr Grant the class are going to build a sensor from computer parts that can do that for us!


In pairs the children used the laptops to research key facts about their chosen form of animation and created a document to share their findings with the rest of the class.  They have now made a thaumatrope and a zoetrope in school, which were 2 forms of early animation. Unsure what they are? Ask your child to explain how they work….

Congratulations to our Primary 5 children in the class who were awarded certificates for their personal achievements in swimming.

Well done boys and girls!




Over the next 10 weeks P7H will be taking part in a very exciting project called SCLINGOSHORTS. This project will help the pupils to develop their understanding of French language and culture in a very interesting and unique way. The pupils will work on creating their own French animation and also designing a pupils friendly website which will help other pupils with their language learning.

On Friday, the pupils were joined by Rory, Miriam and Naomi for their first session. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed this session where they worked on sound and recording with Rory, animation with Miriam and experienced story telling with Naomi. The pupils also worked to evaluate an existing language website to help them to generate ideas for their own webpage.

They are already very excited for the next session.

P3C Burns Supper Moments

Apologies for the poor sound but we hope you enjoy a wee flavour of our Burns Supper.

Immortal Memory by Cameron

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne


Finlay, Katie and Erin with the Reply from the Lassies

Ryan with the Toast to the Lassies

Annabel with the Vote of Thanks


The pupils in P7H are thoroughly enjoying their new topic on WW2. We have already learned about The Road to War and Evacuation. We have been using the i-pads to carry out research and  have worked in groups to use what we have learned to create informative displays around the school.




The class also experienced their first Air Raid this afternoon


A week in P5C.


This week in P5C we had fun with Mr Orr and Mrs Barratt in music.


Mr Orr let some of us have a go on the trumpet. He taught us what way we have to blow and the shape our lips have to be. It was good fun.







We took each other’s pulses for our science experiment.  








Aiden was our Star of the Week this week due to his hard work, particularly in writing.


In maths we have been adding tenths and hundredths using our PIMM addition Big Maths strategy.

In writing we are looking at speech marks and had fun trying to guess famous quotes.

We continue to practise our Think Dance and we are looking forward to performing at the MacRobert in February.







Allowing our children to develop personally, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

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