SNSA Reading Bands Explained

Where pupils have sat the S3 SNSA Reading Assessment, the following bands show the overall capacity demonstrated:

Band 12 and Above

Learners in this band are typically able to read a wide range of texts with a high level of understanding of several, substantial complexities. They can analyse tone, style and writer’s purpose in complex persuasive texts. These learners can identify the main idea of a complex argument, interpret opposing points of view, and make justifiable deductions, while navigating complex vocabulary.

Band 11

Learners in this band are typically able to read closely to locate and interpret details about unfamiliar content when there is highly plausible competing information. From narrative texts they make inferences about a character’s behaviour and attitude when there are challenging elements such as contradictory emotions. They are able to link complex ideas across many paragraphs of a text.

Band 10

Learners in this band are typically able to combine evidence from different parts of a text to identify main ideas, understand counter-intuitive information and interpret complex language. They can locate details embedded in complex sentences when there is much competing information. These learners can evaluate the credibility of statements in texts, and interpret persuasive techniques and the writer’s point of view.

Band 9

Learners in this band are typically able to read a wide range of texts with reasonable understanding of a complex element. They are able to interpret tone, mood, and authorial intent of narratives, making inferences about a character’s emotions. They are able to read closely to identify key ideas in texts and can locate and interpret detailed information presented in a table.

Band 8

Learners in this band are typically able to read a wide range of straightforward texts with comprehensive understanding. From narrative texts they can make fine inferences about a main character’s emotions. They can locate and sort key ideas and details across information tables to make connections. They are able to interpret language, e.g. idioms, and can recognise paraphrased details in information texts.

Band 7 and Below

Learners in this band are typically able to recognise a character’s motivation in a nuanced narrative text. They can locate and combine multiple pieces of information in simple tables in an information text. They can use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words. They are also able to identify the likely audience for a text.


Where pupils have sat the P7 SNSA Reading Assessment, the following bands show the overall capacity demonstrated:

Band 11 and Above

Learners in this band are typically able to read closely to interpret unfamiliar content and metaphors in nuanced narrative texts. They are able to link complex ideas across paragraphs to form understandings and interpret conclusions. They can locate multiple pieces of information in dense descriptions and complex sentences when there is strongly competing information.

Band 10

Learners in this band are typically able to make inferences about the narrator’s viewpoint and a character’s changeable or complex feelings in a narrative text. They can locate details embedded in complex sentences when there is competing information. They can interpret arguments of some complexity, and recognise the main points and justifications for ideas in persuasive texts.

Band 9

Learners in this band are typically able to read a wide range of texts with a good understanding where the meaning is relatively straightforward. When reading narrative texts, they can interpret clues to make inferences about characters’ feelings, attitudes and motivations. These learners are able to identify the implied opinion of a writer of a persuasive text.

Band 8

Learners in this band are typically able to locate key pieces of information, and link ideas within and across paragraphs of text. They can summarise the writer’s view in persuasive texts and can interpret the main ideas from and the purposes of instructional and persuasive texts. These learners can interpret a diagram to locate directly stated details.

Band 7

Learners in this band are typically able to read a range of familiar texts, understanding the main ideas. They can locate directly stated information in narrative, information, persuasive and instructional texts. When reading narrative texts they can make straightforward inferences about characters’ motivations. They are able to track pronoun references and make links across texts when the connections are clear.

Band 6 and Below

Learners in this band are typically able to locate directly stated details in a range of straightforward texts. They can use obvious contextual clues to interpret the meaning of less familiar words and phrases. They are able to interpret simple information that is in a prominent position within the text.

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