Preparing for School Prelims

The Balfron HS Senior Phase Prelims normally takes place in January for National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher Exams.

Nearly 3000 individual exam arrangements over 15 days were organised.

A summary schedule is available here.

All N5, H & AH candidates will be issued with a personalised timetable, along with a copy of the information below.  Parents and carers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the dates and times of the exams that their child will be sitting.  All candidates must go to the correct venue and sit in the exam desk number allocated.  Attendance registers will be taken on this basis.

  • All pupils should use the SQA noticeboard outside the Theatre for the latest information about their exams.
  • The page During School Prelims on  the Balfron HS website will be used wherever possible to post current Prelim Exams information.

There are a handful of pupils who will find that they have two exams on at the same time.  Individual arrangements are put in place for those affected, and their timetable will be manually amended with their specific arrangement.  Equally there are some pupils who have additional assessment arrangements – their personalised timetable will reflect these arrangements.

  • Nonetheless, if there are any concerns about specific exam arrangements, please ask your child to see Mr Slavin in the Depute’s Office.

Study Leave for S4/S5/S6  during Prelims                                                          During the exam period, all S4-S6 pupils are entitled  to study leave.  This is an opportunity to prepare for Prelims by working to a planned revision schedule at home.  We expect pupils to regard their non-exam days as study days and do their best to prepare for their next exam. They must attend all their exams, arriving in plenty of time wearing full school uniform and behave in the positive manner that we would normally expect.  Attendance registers will be taken before each exam and recorded.  Any absence on a non-exam day will be recorded as “Study Leave”.  Any absence on an exam day must be fully explained as normal.

Additional work for S4/S5/S6 during the Prelim Diet period                          For a number of pupils, there will additionally be some work that may need to be undertaken during the Prelim Exam period, including practical assessments in Hospitality, speaking assessments in Modern Languages, and completion of National 4 & National 5 units.  Such individual arrangements will be made by subject teams and communicated through Google Classroom to pupils.

Exam Conduct and Expectations:                                                                                  It is critical that all candidates are aware of their responsibility to come prepared and equipped for exams, and to ensure that their conduct is appropriate for SQA exams.  Please ensure that your child has read and understood the information leaflet “Your Balfron HS Prelim Exams”.   Please download the leaflet here.

Please get in touch via your Form Class Leader if you have any queries.

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