Public Swim Times

(Term Time)

 pool 1

Monday 9pm – 10pm
Tuesday 4pm – 5pm   and   8.45pm – 9.45pm
Wednesday 7am – 8am

Ladies Only: 8.30pm – 9.15pm

*Adults Only: 9.15pm – 10pm*

Thursday 4pm – 5pm  and  8.45pm – 9.45pm
Friday 7am – 8am   and   5pm – 9pm

Aqua Run: 7pm – 8pm, & 8pm – 9pm **

Saturday 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Sunday 9am – 1pm*   and   1.30pm – 4.30pm

Aqua Aerobics 10am – 11am

* These sessions are available primarily as block bookings.  All other sessions are open to all on a ‘first come-first served basis.

** These sessions run alternating weeks, one week the inflatable session will be on a Friday and the next week it will be on the Sunday.

The above times are the normal public swim times during the school term (including ‘staff development‘ or ‘inservice‘ days).  These times will change during the school holiday periods.  A week or two either side of school holidays may also have changes in public swim times.  These alterations will be advertised locally leading up to each holiday period.

Private bookings may take priority over public times, and customers should call ahead to avoid disappointment.

pool 2

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