Room 15

Welcome to Primary 7


Welcome back Primary 7! I hope you’ve all had a great summer and are looking forward to a fantastic year. It’s going to be a busy one with lots going on!  

General Information 

Please ensure you have a pair of shoes such as plimsolls or trainers to change into inside the school building.  Time spent outdoors and in the woods means that outdoor shoes make the carpets dirty! Our House Captains will carry out spotchecks and you can earn points for your House by making sure you have your indoor shoes on!

Our P.E. days are a Monday and Wednesday so please remember your P.E. Kit.  Don’t forget to bring your t-shirt, shorts and indoor shoes.

Starting on Thursday 5th September we will have Rugby on a Thursday for 4 weeks.  This will be outside (weather permitting).  We will have no P.E. on a Wednesday while Rugby is on.

To stay hydrated, children can bring a bottle of water to school.  Water is encouraged as it is the healthiest option.  Please avoid juice in bottles.  If juice is in the bottle, it can be taken at break and lunch.

Homework / Diary

Homework will be issued on a Monday and can be returned any time during the week.  All homework should be returned no later than Friday.  I appreciate how busy life is so if homework cannot be completed, please put a note in the diary.  Children, please take pride in completing your homework just as you would in the classroom.  The children and myself will add a comment about our behaviour, work or effort each week in the diary.  Parents / Carers should discuss this with the child  when the diary comes home on a Monday and then add your comment.


Forest Schools

Starting in January, we will have a block of Forest Schools.  Children will be in the woods for this and should bring appropriate footwear, jacket, hat and gloves as the weather can be cold or wet.



We been learning about different microbes and used Playdoh to make our own viruses, bacteria and fungi using what we’d learned about their shapes and sizes.



We had a four week block of lessons from Hamilton Rugby Club.  Thankfully the weather was great and we could get outside for this!


We played a trust game in the woods where our eyes were covered and we had to trust the instructions from our partner to walk from one part of the woods to another.  It was scary  . . . but fun!

Sky Up

We visited the Sky Up Studios where made our own news report about Climate Change.  We each had a role to play in putting the report together.  This included producers, script writers, editors, news readers, members of the public.  It was amazing!!


Climate Change – Biodiversity

We learned about the effects of climate change on Biodiversity during a workshop with Keep Scotland Beautiful.


P7 Fun Day

We display our enterprising skills by organising different activities for the other classes in the school to help raise money towards the cost f our Yearbook and Final Trip.  It was a huge success!


We had an amazing Spooktakular in the woods.  Lots of planning but a great day for everyone.  St. John’s Primary and Quarter Primary visited too.


Hamilton Grammar Visit

Our first visit to the Grammar.

WWII Games

We’ve had a great time playing games from WWII outside.  We’ll be playing some of these with our parents for our Showcase at the end of November.


Christmas Fair

Helping out on the stalls, spending their money and winning lots of prizes.

Merry Christmas 🎄🎅🎁









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