On Tuesday, Primary 5&6 did carpet bowls.
We were put into teams and were taught how to hold a bowl.
The little circle moves close to the helicopter then the big circle goes on the other side.
It was fun!
By Amy (P5)
On Tuesday, Primary 5&6 did carpet bowls.
We were put into teams and were taught how to hold a bowl.
The little circle moves close to the helicopter then the big circle goes on the other side.
It was fun!
By Amy (P5)
On Monday in P.E we were using the Trampet. The Trampet is basically a small trampoline that you run up to , bounce, and if you want do a 360 or different shapes in the air.The P7’s were allowed to do a 360 or a 180 if they wanted to.The P5s and 6s had to do either a star shape, a tuck, or a straight shape. Ireally enjoyed it and I am excited to continue doing it in P.E.
This week p5,6,7 did Circuit training in P.E we had 8 stations sit ups, skipping, running on the spot, hula hoop, squats, burpees, star jumps and press ups. We went around all the stations one time but before we went around the stations we played some mini games.
I think it was very tyring I found skipping the hardest I think I improved on my sit ups and am exited for next week.
By Bobby (P7)