Shetland Democratic Party

At Tingwall Primary School we are doing a genaral election and this is why I think that S.D.P should win.

Kirsty has been chosen as the candidate for election to the Shetland Parliament for the Shetland Democratic Party. Kirsty will be an excellent choice for the voters as she has lots of experenca and skills.

Some of the issues Kirsty will be campaigning about are improving the airports, improving security systems, getting a proper place for partys, making a shopping mall and throw lots of fun fundrasers and put some of the money towards the homeless and charitys.

However the most important issue is impoving the pavements and putting pavements were there is none because we want all the people of shetland to be safe.

The candidate has stated that “I am really looking forward to the upcoming election, I hope that my party will win the election with the most votes”.

Our candidate will be giving a speach at Tingwall Primary School on the 18th May and hopes that people will come along and listen. This is your chance to listen and make an informed choice about who you think will be the best person to represent you.

For further information, contact Kara from Primary 6 (Press Officer) for the Shetland Democratic Party.


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