Drama with Izzy

On Wednesday, we had drama with Izzy we were practising for the christmas show called “The Stars Come Out For Christmas”. I am a presenter called “Carol Singer”. I am on the stage for the whole show, its nerve racking but so much fun because I get to be me and nobody is stopping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also me and the other P7 girls are doing the second verse in silent night not meaning to brag but we sound really good. 😉

By Louise (P7)

Aztec Gods

On Wednesday the 12th of November we learned about the Aztec Gods. The God Of War is called Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc is the God Of Rain, Chantico is the Goddess of Fire and Patectl is the God Of Healing. I like Patecatl mostly because of his name!

After we looked at the gods we got to create our own Gods! I made mine the God of Rocks, Stone, Ores, Lines and Circles!

By Tom (P7)

Aztec God

On Wednesday we learned about Aztec Gods.There a lot of gods and goddess. My favorite god was Patecatl the god of Healing. Some of the other gods was like Huitzilopochtli the god of war, Tlaloc the god of rain and Chantico the goddess of fire.

We got to make our own Aztec gods and name them and draw them. My one was called telepopes he was the god of the moon and teleportion

By Timon (P7)

Ojo de Dios

On Tuesday afternoon we all made Ojo de Dios ( gods eyes ) which were the aztecs version of dream catchers.

We had to weave them. First we stuck two lolly sticks together with blue tack in a cross shape. Then we had to get coloured wool and wrap it around the sticks in a complicated way. (I don’t know how to explain!!!!!)

We are doing aztecs this term for our topic so that is why we did them.

We are doing them at golden time in 10 minutes!!!!!

The Stars Are Coming Out For Christmas

On Wednesday the 5th of November Izzy Swanson came into our class to go through the script of the Christmas Show we are performing in about 5 weeks. I really enjoyed reading through the script for the show. I am Ollie Berry, a presenter of the Outstanding Contribution To Christmas Award show that is in the play. He always says jokes that everyone has already heard, therefore he sulks for half the show!

By Tom (P7)