Rainforest Study

We have been learning all about rainforests this term. We’ve learnt lots of interesting information and facts about the rainforests and we’ve learnt that they give us medicines, foods and oxygen.  We made posters about destroying the rainforest, and we also made board games about saving the rainforests to teach other people some facts about it. We looked at all the different animals in the rainforest and sorted them into which countries they came from. We  loved learning about rainforests!

We also made posters about the indigenous people that live in a variety of rainforests across the world.



We were shocked to learn that rainforests are still being destroyed unnecessarily. In groups we chose to find out more about one of the reasons rainforests are still being destroyed. We made information posters to share our findings with the rest of the class.

Rainforest Games

In groups we designed and made Rainforest board games with lots of fun information and facts . We had lots of different ideas and can’t wait untill other classes  play them!

Here we are with the games we made.


P7’s trip to Michael’s Wood

On the 10th of May  P7 went to Michael’s Wood for the day to help maintain it and clean it up. We had to go on the bus to get there. When we got there we got sorted into jobs.

Learning how to protect new trees.

Some people cleaned up moss and some people were painting wooden posts. Molly painted a a little toy house and Ayla and Emily painted an arch, Emily had to go on Ayla’s back to reach the top of it. Before they started painting Molly, Ayla and Emily swept up and cleaned inside the little toy house and the poly tunnel.

Some people were going round with wheelbarrows and picking up sticks that were on the path and other people were planting trees.

Some people were going round with wheelbarrows and picking up sticks that were on the path and other people were planting trees.

We stopped to have snack, we had it in the poly tunnel and it was warmer than it was outside in there.

We helped to plant new trees.

Ally clearing away moss.

Molly painting the arch.

Emily required help from Ayla to reach the high parts!

We worked again after snack then stopped to have lunch. We were allowed to have it were ever we wanted, some people had it at the teddy bears picnic but some people had it on the swings. After lunch we got to play, some people played hide and seek and some people played with the children’s toys. we finished our jobs and then we had lunch . After lunch we played whole class hide and seek in the woods. It was a really good day and everyone enjoyed it.

By Niamh, Ally and Fearghas

RSPB Wading Birds pop -Up gallery

In Art we have been working on detailed drawings of different wading birds which will be exhibited at a pop-up gallery in Quarff Hall on 12th May. This exhibition hopes to highlight the huge decline in some of the waders found across the whole of the UK.

We hope you will come along and see our work.

Here are some of our completed drawings ready to be displayed.


The Voar Redd Up

On Thursday 26th of April our school did the Voar Redd Up. Our school was nominated by a few people in the community to do the clean up. We also had to collect certain stuff that was on a sheet sent to us such as plastic bottles, mussel pegs, plastic rope and more. It was really nice that lots of the parents got involved. And we were very lucky as it was a really nice day outside. We found lots of interesting things. There were a lot of big pieces of cod boxes that had been broken up and washed up. Ruby and Tryphena were also collecting mermaid purses if anyone had found any. Someone also found a gas pump from Total.

You could definitely tell a big difference to the beach after it had been cleaned up, and I think everyone had done a really good job and  helped out a lot.

By Cerys P7

The beach before we arrived to clean it:

Hard at work

We were surprised just how quickly the skip for plastic filled up!

On our way back to school after a job well done.

The results of our labour- a much cleaner beach- but there is still more to be done.

Ally’s Success in Archery

On Saturday Ally went to Lerwick to receive his trophies and certificate for his achievements in archery.

Here is Ally with his trophies from 2018

Here are some or Ally’s awards from previous years.

Top left for shooting new junior archery record (253 points)2016

Top right under 12 boys champion 2016

Bottom left under 12 boys champion 2017

Bottom middle improvment on score (13 points) 2016

Bottom right competing in Montrose archery trip


Two medals from Montrose archery trip(second in age group 2016 and 17)

Trophy ‘c’ league champion


Top left improving on score by 1 point

Top middle for competing in Montrose 2017

top right for shooting a new junior archery record (254 points)

bottom left under 12 boys champion 2018

bottom right ‘b’ league champion 2018

Written by Ally and Fearghas


Goodbye and Good Luck Jake


On the 20th of March was Jake’s last day so Mrs Hay threw a small party.


We had some snacks and cake and we sat around and talked for a bit.

Then we played some party games! We played Corners using Jake’s family names and we played Wink Murder. Our class was sad to see him go and we hope he enjoyed his last day. We wish home the best of luck in Brunei!

By Niamh and Lauryn

Music Festival

This week was the Music Festival. People from our class had several performances. On Monday 12th  Carys did a piano solo and got gold, Cerys & Michaela did a duet in the open duet and got a gold, and Carys, Niamh and Molly did woodwind solos.

On Tuesday the 13th Cerys, Jemima and Emily ( The Dooblington Trio)  performed as a fiddle trio and got a gold.

On Wednesday the 14th It was our class performance. We performed as a instrumental choir and played White Clifffs of Dover and Pack Up Your Troubles. We got a gold. Lauryn, Ayla, Niamh, Molly, Carys and Zara each performed a vocal solo. Fearghas, Jacob and Michaela performed an accordion solo. Niamh was invited to play at the young musician with her clarinet solo. She didn’t win but said she really enjoyed it. Rebekha Tregonning ( who used to go to Dunrossness) won senior young musician of the year.

On Thursday the 15th we were invited back to perform at the Gala concert. We went on first. There was a raffle and Niamh won a bag of Bressay tatties.

Niamh – Getting into Young Musician was an amazing experience.

Carys – It’s always really fun going to the Music Festival.

Eve – It was a good experience and I enjoyed it.

Jake – It was good, It was really fun.

Christie – I thought it was good and I really enjoyed the schools coming together.

By Cerys, Jemima and Emmy

SMUHA 2018- A brilliant day!

Primary 7 Jarl Squad- ready for the big day!

Michaela- The Jarl……enjoying every minute of the celebrations.

Michaela commented, “SMUHA is one of the best days of the year and having the honour of being the Jarl makes it even better.”

Today is SMUHA and I was part of our school Jarl Squad. First of all we came into school and got into costume, and got our helmets and cloaks. Then we headed outside and it was very cold but I soon warmed up. As we were walking to the football pitch everyone started singing the Up Helly Aa song and The Galley Song, over and over again, until we got there. (My throat was very sore!) After that everyone threw their torches into the galley. We watched it burn for a little while and then went over to the Boddam Hall for snack and to do our acts.

Our act was called The Axe Factor. After all the practising it turned out really good! It was a brilliant day but it was hard keeping it a secret.  Written by Emily

Today was SMUHA 2018. I was in the P7 Jarl Squad. It was a very good experience. At 09:15 we left to go to the Boddam football pitch  where we burned the galley, which was named Lia after Lena, lsaiah and Alex. Then we went into Boddam Hall to do the acts and to wait for the real 2018 Jarl Squad to come. The Squad acts were very good. I especially liked the one about the teacher disco. For our Squad act it was The Axe Factor. After the act a lot of people (mainly P5/6 boys) said, “The cringe crew should have won!” But it doesn’t really matter.

When the real Jarl Squad came it was really good and they could sing so loud! After all that we went out to see the big galley. Then we went back to school. All in all it was an amazing day; the  costumes, act and everything else in between. I also enjoyed all the support, from, what they called themselves, ‘No 1 Cringe Crew fans’.  SMUHA was amazing and I would love to do it again. By Ciaran

Carys said, “ It was a great day, I loved it. I really liked seeing the big Jarl Squad and I’ve got a sore throat from all the singing!”

”It was really great fun. I would do it all again. Michaela was a really good Jarl.” (Niamh)

Emmy commented, “I really enjoyed the Squad acts and it was worth the wait.”

”It was amazing and I would love to do it all again,” said Ayla.

”I really enjoyed walking down to the pitch. Everyone was singing and cheering as loud as they could,” said Lauryn.

”It was amazing. I really enjoyed seeing the big a Jarl Squad and their galley.” (Lily-Jane)

So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

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