Category Archives: Primary 2/3

Read, Write, Count Bags – P3

The boys and girls in P3 were very lucky to receive their Read, Write, Count bags today. This bag is filled with lots of great learning opportunities. The bag includes:

– Picture Atlas

– story book: There is no dragon in this Story

– Story Cubes

– Ocean Commotion card game

– Notepad and pencil

– Parent Guide to games and activity ideas.

We hope you have a great time using these bags at home!

Moving BFG characters

P 2/3 were learning to make moving BFG characters. They are learning different ways that we can join paper together to make it move.

Hayden: “We are joining bits of paper together so they can move”

Kacie-Louise: “We are making a moving BFG and Sophie.”

Ryan: “ The glue doesn’t work, use pins.”

Teddy Bear Rolls

Primary 2/3 have been learning a new roll in gymnastics. It’s called a Teddy Bear Roll.  They have also been practising other skills during an obstacle course. Mrs Cryans worked with the children in the practise area to help with their rolls.The children had the opportunity to work on other skills they had learned in gymnastics by working on the obstacle course. 

Primary 2/3 work safely and responsibly in the gym. They pack up the equipment carefully every week. 

Learning to Play and Playing to Learn

Our last morning of free play across the P1 and P2 base was a huge success and the children have been asking to do it again. We saw fantastic interactions amongst the children, wonderful imagination and brilliant problem solving.

Having a Greatest Showman singalong.

Shonnie made Miss Strang her lunch.

Olivia- I like the reading den.

Lilymay-I’m making shapes.

The Scoobydoo gang are going on an adventure.

Caiden- I made Foxy.

Hannah- We are playing at schools.

Ross- Miss Winters read a spaceship story and it was good.

Cece- I’m writing a list.


Respect Me Assembly – We are all Unique !

On Monday we talked about respect and how we all need different supports to succeed.

We watched a short clip about fairness.

We realised that we all don’t need the same in school to succeed. We compared school to medical care.

We decided that we would all try to live out our school values daily as this would help us to understand each other’s needs.

We now know that:


Click the link below to look at our Assembly PowerPoint.

Whole School Assembly 17 September 2018

Nut Free Zone Reminder

Image result for nut free zone sign

We are a nut free zone as we have children with a severe nut allergy. I would ask for your co-operation and ensure that no nuts are brought in to school, please check all labels of your child’s snacks.

This includes chestnuts collected from the park, especially during this time of the year.

Please note that we are unable to accept birthday cakes to be shared out in class as there could be traces of nuts.