All posts by Mr Billen

School Term and Holiday Dates 2015 – 2016

School term and holiday dates 2015 – 2016

Autumn Term 2015

Term Starts: Tuesday 18 August 2015

Term Ends: Friday 9 October 2015

Autumn Holiday: Monday 12 October 2015 – Friday 23 October 2015

Winter Term 2015

Term Starts: Monday 26 October 2015

In-Service Days: Thursday 19 November 2015 and Friday 20 November 2015

Term Ends: Friday 18 December 2015

Christmas Holiday: Monday 21 December 2015 – Monday 4 January 2016

Spring Term 2016

Term Starts: Tuesday 5 January 2016

In Service and Occasional Holidays: Wednesday 17 February – Friday 19 February 2016

Easter Weekend: Friday 25 March 2016 and Monday 28 March 2016

Term Ends: Friday 1 April 2016

Spring Holiday: Monday 4 April 2016 – Friday 15 April 2016

Summer Term

Term Starts: Tuesday 19 April 2016

Term Ends: Friday 1 July 2016


Easter Sunday – 27 March 2016
School Session 2016/17 will commence on Monday 15 August 2016 for Staff and Tuesday 16 August 2016 for Pupils.

International Book Festival


On Wednesday 26th August, the pupils of Abernyte Primary visited the International Book Festival in Edinburgh.

P2-4 listened to author Tom Pow talk about his book “Sixteen String Jack & the Garden of Adventure”, J.M. Barrie’s childhood, Peter Pan and the power of imagination.

P5-7 listed to author Lari Don talk about her book “The Tale of Tam Linn”, her Fables Beasts Chronicles and Scottish myths and legends.

Meeting the authors and having their books signed created a buzz that inspired pupils to read throughout their lunch break!


Carse Children’s Market


On Sunday 7th June, pupils from Abernyte Primary took part in the Carse Children’s Market at Glendoick Garden Centre as part of their Big Weekend.  This was the culmination of a term-long Enterprise Project.


Lucy (P5) reports:

We sold cards and pictures with picture frames. Lots of people bought cards. Lots of people ordered cards and picture frames.”


Anna (P2) reports:

I   went   to   Glendoick   Garden   Centre.   There   was   a hanging   basket   demonstration,  face painting   bouncy castle and a raffle. I was selling pictures and cards.


Joshua (P7) reports:

First we took pictures when a person came to help us take pictures at our neighbour Barry’s. At his garden we took wild life pictures for fun.

Mrs Cox came and told us about the Big Weekend. At the Big Weekend this is where the schools around the Carse make their own products and sell them for charity or for school funds. As a school we decided to make frames, cards, notelets and triple frames using the photographs we took.

We started straight away and by accident we bought the larger cards than we wanted and it was a happy mistake. Then we had different jobs like stock control, badge maker and people who fold the cards. After that we kept on producing more frames and more cards until we went to the Children’s Market. At the Children’s Market we got to sell our frames, cards and notelets that we made in school. There were many other schools and a BBQ and face painting. It was really fun and we made a huge profit!”

After-School Club

Elise (P5) reports:

“On Tuesdays this term, Mrs Lacoux and Mr Meldrum are running an afterschool club. Every week there will be a new activity. For the first week, it was cycle club and the Active Schools Co-ordinator, Christine Cook loaned us a ramp, a rumble strip and a sea-saw. I made up a course to do around the back of the school then we played on the ramp. It was great fun. We wanted to play some games so we played the box game. The box game is when everyone cycles on their bikes in a box shape and the box will get smaller and if you put your foot down you are out.”

The Legacy Games

Website (2)

On Wednesday 20th May, Primary 5 and 6 travelled to Errol to take part in the Legacy Games, with P7 helping as Event Co-ordinators.

Lucy (P5) reports:

“The Legacy Games were held on 20th of May 2015 in Errol Primary School. Invergowrie, Inchture, Errol, Longforgan and Abernyte P5s Joshua, Cara and Molly were all there. First they did the obstacle course, next the triple jump, and then they went on to standing long jump. After that they all went out for a break and a little snack. Next they did running, then javelin and the shot-put. They enjoyed the big fun run where Cara came 2nd, Lucy 3rd, Layla 4th and Molly was 6th. I think it was a wonderful day, but why is there never enough time for a teachers’ race?”

Website (3) Website

Safe TaySiders


Joshua (P7) reports:

“The Safe Taysiders event took place on Tuesday the 19th May at Scone and the whole point of it was to learn to be safe around people and what to do in bad situations. P7s from all the schools in the Carse of Gowrie went to this event to learn to be safe and also to hope to win two Halfords bikes! All the stations were about false items, electricity, water area and CPR. At each station you would have a rating out of 10 of how safe you were and how much you knew about the subject. All the phones were linked to a station and when you called 999 the person there at the station would act like the police, ambulance and firemen. All the stations are really helpful for kids to learn more about our world and what can happen and how to be safer around our environment. It also gave P7s a chance to meet P7s from other schools which helps us in our transition to Perth High School.”

Blooming Artists

Molly Blooming Artists

Blooming Artists is being held from Friday 15 May until Sunday 14 June at Perth Museum and Art Gallery.

Molly (P6) reports:

“Blooming artists is held every year during the Perth Festival of the Arts and is when pupils from all over Perthshire send in pictures that they have made or drawn. 

Blooming Artists gives an opportunity to kids and makes their pictures seen in Perth and Kinross.  Most of the pictures sent in will be up on display. 

When I went I saw all the pictures and some were AMAZING! Some kids may be inspired and grow up to have a career as an artist.

Every year one picture will be chosen and made in to the poster to advertise the event.  This year it was my picture that was chosen!”