Joint School Forensic Science

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On Thursday 26th March, the pupils from Abernyte were joined by the pupils from Blairingone, Logiealmond and Glenlyon to form the B.L.A.G. Joint Forensic Science Task Force.

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Pupils worked together in collaborative groups to solve the mystery of the contaminated powdered milk from the teacher’s break-time coffee.  Investigating different white solids to test how they reacted when mixed with either water or vinegar, pupils had to use careful observation, noting down their findings in an organised table.  These results were then cross matched with the reactions of the sample from the crime scene to identify the mystery white solid that had been used.

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Pupils also learned more about separating mixtures, using chromatography to identify which black pen had been used to write the note found at the crime scene.

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Pupils of all schools enjoyed working together to solve the mystery!

Glenlyon wrote, “Thank you so much for inviting us to your school.  We loved the experiments and it was good to work with all the other children”.

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