All posts by Mr Billen

School Scotherbs Visit

On Tuesday 28th May, the pupils from Abernyte Primary visited Scotherbs in Longforgan, a local company who supply of Fresh Culinary Herbs & Salad Leaves to supermarkets, wholesalers & food manufacturers.

Lucy reports:

“At Scotherbs we went in to this room where we talked about the history of Scotherbs.  Then we went to the poly-tunnel.  We saw lots of herbs.  I liked going in to the poly-tunnel.  It was very hot in the poly-tunnel.  My favourite herb is lavendar.”

Elise reports:

“Anna and Fiona welcomed us to Scotherbs and they showed us around.  Then they showed us the poly-tunnel and we got to eat and try some herbs and some strawberries.  We got to take some back with us.”

Blooming Artists Exhibition

Congratulations to Holly, Lewis, Cara, Molly and Lucy, whose artwork was chosen to be shown at this years “Blooming Artists” exhibition at Perth Museum and Art Gallery.

The annual exhibition features artwork from pupils from nursery, special, primary and secondary schools and is always worth visiting.  This year the free exhibition will run from Friday 17th to Sunday 26th May 2013.

Only the work of a few pupils is submitted each year, and not all submissions are accepted for the exhibition, so being put on display shows that the work done in Art lessons in class by these pupils has been of a very high standard this year.

Show-In-A-Day: Sound of Music

On Thursday 9th of May, the pupils from Abernyte Primary travelled to Perth Concert Hall to take part in the annual Show-In-A-Day event.  Following on from last year’s successful performance of “Jospeh and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat”, schools were invited to take part in another musical, this year “The Sound of Music”.

Pupils dressed the part, wearing costumes based on the children’s clothing from “The Sound of Music”.  Even staff members got in on the act, with Mr Billen and Mrs MacKinnon looking good in their outfits for the show.

After a day of song rehearsals (complete with actions!), a short performance was put on, which featured the songs:

“The Sound of Music”
“My Favorite Things”
“The Lonely Goatherd”
“So Long, Farewell”
“Climb Ev′ry Mountain”

Scottish Opera – Slim McBride

Rounding off a series of inputs from the Scottish Opera, P5-7 of Abernyte Primary joined up with pupils from St. Madoes Primary to put on a production of “Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe” for family and friends.

Telling the story of adventurer Slim McBride, the action-packed musical featured the wonderful and exotic people, plants, birds and animals of the South American rainforests and explored the threats that the modern world can pose.  Children were encouraged to ask crucial questions about the future of these magnificent forests, the eco-system that depends on them, and why it is so important that they be protected as part of a cross-curricular topic that covered Personal and Social Development, Citizenship, Geography and the Expressive Arts.

Playing the part of the rainforest animals, Abernyte pupils had a blast, made new friends and learned a lot.

Easter Competition Winners

Well done to the two pupils shown here for winning the school Easter Egg competition!

Pupils were tasked with decorating an egg at home, with a little help from family members.  All entries this year were of a high standard, but the detail, precision and creativity of these two entries made them stand out to judges.

Congratulations on an egg-cellent entry!

Cross-Country Running

On Tuesday the 19th of February, pupils from P5-7 took part in the inter-school Cross Country race at Perth Racecourse.

Weeks of training prior to the event paid off, with all 8 pupils completing the 1 mile course and doing themselves proud.  Special mention must go to Carlo who finished 10th and Oscar who finished 18th out of 115 runners!  Well done everyone!

Pancake Day

On Tuesday the 12th of February, pupils worked on their weighing and volume measuring skills as they cooked their own pancakes.

Elise writes:

“On Pancake Day we got to taste the pancakes and I put on lemon juice.  We had too much batter at the end so our group got a quarter of an extra pancake.  The name of our group is The Famous Fours and our names are Elise, Carlo, Cara and Archie.”

Gymnastics Competition

On Friday the 8th of February, three teams of pupils from Abernyte Primary competed in the inter-school gymnastics competition held at Bells Sports Centre, Perth.

Two P1’s and a P3 competed in one team.  Two P4’s and a P3 competed in a second team.  Four P5’s competed in a third team.

All three teams showed great levels od concentration, enthusiasm and ability, representing the school well with great floor and vault routines.


The weather hit Abernyte with a vengence this week, with snow and ice making driving (and walking!) conditions really treacherous. 

Pupils and staff were drafted in to help clear a way to the school and some support staff members had to work from home as the roads were too dangerous.  Pupils that come to school on the school bus even got the day off school as the bus couldn’t get up the slippery hill to Abernyte!