The library web pages on the school website have recently been up-dated. The web pages give general information about what the library can offer.
September 16, 2014
by Mrs Sinclair
September 16, 2014
by Mrs Sinclair
The library web pages on the school website have recently been up-dated. The web pages give general information about what the library can offer.
September 11, 2014
by Mrs Sinclair
There is a week to go before Scotland goes to the polls to make a choice: to stay with the union or go independent from the rest of the UK. Our 16 and 17 year olds have been given the … Continue reading
July 10, 2014
by Mrs Sinclair
Today marked the arrival of the Queen’s Baton in Orkney. After arriving on the ferry, it made its way to the school where a number of activities were laid on. It was far from the formal affair one would have … Continue reading
March 5, 2014
by Mrs Sinclair
Careers & S2 Choices January seems such a long time ago, let alone the February half-term break. Since then, the S2 Careers Information Literacy course has been up-dated based on evaluations from last session. Careers LiveBinders have been set up … Continue reading
November 25, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
The Christmas 2013 Scholastic Book Club C2C Leaflet is now available from the school library. If you would like to place an order (books will be delivered to the school), do so using the form on the leaflet or online … Continue reading
October 4, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
The annual Poetry Picnic took place yesterday, Thursday 3rd October and was attended by around 20 pupils over the course of the lunch break. This is now the 11th year we have been celebrating National Poetry Day. The Poetry Picnic … Continue reading
September 26, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
September 25, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
Water is the theme of this year’s National Poetry Day. The school Library will once again be hosting a Poetry Picnic in the library at lunchtime. This will take place on Thursday 3rd October between 12:25 and 13:30, Pupils and … Continue reading
August 14, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
The school holidays are nearly over and preparation in the library for the new term is becoming more frantic. Now, what does a School Librarian do whilst working during school holidays. Often there is a long list of things to … Continue reading
June 11, 2013
by Mrs Sinclair
Welcome to our visiting P7s Today we welcome Primary 7 pupils to the school for their transition sessions. Around 60 pupils will be doing various activities around the school, getting a tour, listening to older pupils’ experiences and visiting the … Continue reading