National Poetry Day is an annual event which has actually been running since 1994 and was instigated by The Poetry Society: http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/content/aboutus/npd/ to engage people in poetry.
The school library has celebrated National Poetry Day for a number of years now. It all started back in 2003 when the theme was ‘Britain’. It was a small affair with a handful of pupils partaking in a poetry picnic and readings. We narrowed the theme down to ‘Orkney’ seeing as these islands have such a sense of identity.
The following year, 2004, saw us having a ‘Poetry Feast’ – rather apt as the theme was ‘Food’. It became apparent that food was the major attraction to these events so the ‘picnic’ theme has been continued.
By the time 2006 came around library regulars were now asking whether we were going to have the poetry event and it became firmly established in the calendar. 2007 saw the library decorated with white fairy lights, and pale balloons as we entered the realm of ‘Dream’, the theme for that year. 2008 took us to the world of ‘Work’, whilst 2009 had us thinking about our ‘Heroes’. 2010 brought us back ‘Home’.
- 2011 Games
- 2012 Stars
- 2013 Water
- 2014 Remember
In 2015 the theme will be Light and the usual Poetry Picnic will take place in the library at lunchtime on 8th October.