The following people have donated items to the RPG activities group, many who connected through Twitter:
Mrs Sinclair (over the last 18 years) (MtG cards; miniatures; mini painting materials; D&D resources and dice; prep time – done at home; hotchocolate and snacks)
L. Brown (ex-pupil) – Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (2024)
Daniel N (DMG) (2018); Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (2023)
Carl Matthews – Paint brushes for miniature painting (2022)
Ashley Shiner – paints for miniature painting (2022)
Carl (@Heimday) – Campaign Access on DnD Beyond (2022)
Sonja Bauernfeind – Player’s Handbook & Monster Manual (2022)
Baz – Player’s Handbook & Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (2022)
Stephen Hart (Grinning Frog Games) – Hart, Stephen. You Ask, I Write. Grinning Frog. 2022. (2022)
Andrew Cawood (Cawood Publishing) – Monsters of the City. 2020 & Monsters of the Wilderness. 2022., dice, stickers and notebooks (which the pupils loved!) (2022)
Jack Rowe – paints and brushes for miniature painiting (Dec 2022)
Carl Savage – D&D 5e core rulebooks (2022)
Stephen Hart (@thegrinningfrog – Twitter) Abracadabra: A Guide to Becoming a Magical Games Master. Stephen Hart. Grinning Frog Games. 2020. A memorial donation. (2021)
Stephen Hart (@thegrinningfrog – Twitter) The Oracle . (monthly magazine)Stephen Hart. Grinning Frog Games. (2021)
Knight vs Dragon (@kvdrpg) – Miniatures from Goblins of Mordor Patreon tier (2021)
Roll20 (Pro-subscription to Roll20 to help facilitate online D&D and provide access to source books through lockdown and beyond) (2020)
Jack Drever – AD&D resources (rule books; adventures). map tiles, vintage miniatures (also used for Orkney Library D&D Sessions) (2019)
Dave McAlister – DnD5eInfo (Gift certificate for DriveThruRPG – purchased Sly Flourish’s The Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and The Lazy DM’s Workbook) (2019)
‘Professor Olaf’ (Detentions & Dragons Podcast) (D&D Miniatures) (2018)
Also, LotR Warhammer miniatures from an ex- teacher in the school (2018)
Sly Flourish D&D Publisher (Financial donation – resources chosen by pupils) (2018)

May 2018
Phillip Everson (Core rule books – PHB, MM, DMG; Xanathar’s Guide to Everything; Tales from the Yawning Portal) (2018)
Melanie Dymond Harper (Character sheet masters) (2018)
Thomas Tauber (Dice) (2018)
Philip Vlummens (PHB; DM’s Screen; Army Painter brush set) (2018)
Carl Clare (PHB) (2018)
Michael Mordor professional miniature painter (Miniatures, and mini painting trophy) (2017/18)(2018)
Thank you to everyone who has donated items over the years. It is very much appreciated and makes running the RPG and D&D groups so much easier as we are not needing to share resources between up to 5 or 6 groups at a time.
Special thanks have to go to Michael Mordor who set up the request for donations in 2018 as well as supporting us by donating miniatures for the pupils to paint. The generosity and support of the D&D / RPG community on Twitter knows no bounds.