We will be having an informal event in the library looking at some of the latest books to be ready for borrowing in what we call a ‘book tasting’. This is where we have two or three ‘courses’ of books to look at, taking into consideration what book cover, and blurb persuades us to want to read the book. We will also read the first chapter. Pupils and staff can borrow any books they like the look of to take home to read.
We would also like suggestions for any new books pupils might like to see in the library.
We also currently have an online Scholastic Book Club running. Pupils can view what’s on offer in the leaflets in the school library, or can check online where there is a much bigger selection. Any orders made will contribute to the library also being able to get rewards which we can put towards new books..

A graphic showing why it is important for pupils to read

Some of the new books available for viewing tomorrow. A good opportunity to be the first to read them.