Please find the answers sheets below.
Good morning Primary 6,
It’s Tuesday, The name Tuesday comes from a Middle English word, Tiwesday.
This was named after the Nordic god Tyr.
Tyr was the God of War, like the Roman war god Mars, and Greek god Ares.
In Latin, Tuesday is called ‘Martis dies’ which means “Mars’s Day”
So watch out for arguments today, and don’t get involved in any land wars in Asia or go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.
a) 90 cars
b) 3,000 bricks
c) 252 chips
d) 272 letters
e) 18×6 (no post on Sunday) = 108×7 = 756 miles
f) 440 miles
g) 69×5 (school days) = 345×6 (weeks) = 2,070p or £20.70
h) £880
i) 996m
j) £9.44
This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.
a) John receives a monthly allowance of £22. How much is he given
each year?
b) 253 people go to a rock concert. Each person pays £16.75 for a ticket.
What is the total amount of ticket money collected?
c) It costs £0.80 for a child to swim. How much does it cost for a class
of 27 to swim?
d)There were 8956 ants in one ant hill and 3949 in another. How many ants were there altogether?
e)There were 6975 trees on a Pacific Island. A tropical storm blew down 2698 of them. How many were left?
f)A plane flew 2675 miles of a 6000 mile long journey, before stopping to refuel. How much further does it have to go?
g)A library has 10000 books altogether. 2345 books are for children. 3654 books are non- fiction. The rest are fiction. How many fiction books are there?
h)Cilla wants to buy a new car for £6470. She has £4885 in her savings account and receives £854 for her birthday. How much more money does she need to save?
i)Daniel planned to drive 1364 miles in one week. On the first day he drove 172 miles and on the second day 155 miles. How much further did he have to go?
j)The population of Cardiff is 302 747, whilst the population of Sarajevo is 529 321. How many more people live in Sarajevo than in Cardiff?
Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.
This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.
I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:
Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We haven’t made the leader board yet because lots of you are on Sumdog but are not answering the competition questions! You’ve got until the 21st. We would be in the top ten if you were answering competition questions instead of playing other games!!
This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.
Here is your word list for this week.
jacket, packet, racket, ticket, wicket, cricket,
thicket, locket, pocket, rocket, socket, bucket
a)Each of these key words has had its vowels removed (painfully). Write the completed words in your jotter.
j-ck-t, r-ck-t, t-ck-t, p-ck-t, w-ck-t, b-ck-t
b) What am I?
Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises
I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.
Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.
I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”
Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.
You can email me any of your work at:
Mr. McIntosh
Good morning everyone. The weather wasn’t so good yesterday, hopefully it will be a bit drier today and you can spend some time outside.
Morning prayer and an Our Father today.
Revise your phonemes and add anymore words to your list. In class, we normally look at a phoneme story. Can you make up your own using as many of the phonemes as possible? Make sure to highlight the phonemes throughout.
This week is Mental Health Awareness week with a focus on kindness. In class, months before the virus, we wrote “postcards of kindness” do you remember? I would like you to design and write a message on a postcard and give it to someone in your house or (if you are allowed) post it to someone, a friend or family member. Being kind not only brightens up someone else’s day, but it makes you feel good about being that kind person. There are many lonely people out there just now or people who are feeling sad, you can help them just a little by doing that.
Yesterday we revised time – o’clock and half past. Today we will revise quarter to and past.
Telling the Time Quarter Past Half Past Quarter to
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Health & Wellbeing
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
Have a nice day everyone!
Mrs G 🙂
Good Morning Flourishing Fives!
As usual we will begin with our morning prayer:
God our Father
As we prepare to begin our work
We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us
So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.
Let’s move with Health and Wellbeing!
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen.
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
To begin we’ll have a look at some more fantastic work from Primary 5.
Natasha gave us a wonderful tourist guide to Paris yesterday. Today she’s on her travels to Madrid!
Natasha McGeever – Madrid Travel Guide
I have never been there – but Natasha has persuaded me to visit in the future.
Meanwhile, Charlie W. has been busy with some Collective Nouns. He has created an Army of Caterpillars. Have a look!
Army of Caterpillars by Charlie W.
Well done to both of them.
Spelling Task
a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
The focus for this week relates to dictionaries. Yesterday you were asked to find and then create some definitions.
Today we are going to look at alphabetical order:
In your jotter, please arrange the following in alphabetical order. Remember, if words begin with the same letter you might need to look at the second letter, or even the third or beyond.
Comprehension Task
Read the tasks several times before attempting the questions. You can go back to the text at any point.
The answers will be published at 3.00pm today.
Remember – the SUMDOG Challenge is live and we want to make it as far up the leader board as we can. Please log on.
Task 2
Money: Using the Four Operations
Before beginning please look at the Money Operations example sheet below.
Money Operation Task: Addition and Subtraction
Answers will be published at 3.00pm today.
Super Maths Work
Have a look at some of Aila’s Maths. She has set it out beautifully too. Fantastic! Well done, Aila!
To see your work on the blog, please send it to me:
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to (Teacher GLOW email) or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Please select one or two tasks from the grid….then you’re finished for the day!
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day. See you tomorrow.
Good morning Superstars 🌟
I hope you are all well.
It was great seeing lots of pictures yesterday of all your wonderful work. You were all very busy bees.🐝
Look at the wonderful healthy snacks Holly, Chloe and Aria-Rose made.🍉
Take at look at Daniel’s subtraction skills. Very impressive!
Aaron has been working hard on his dictated sentences. He has included capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
Today is Tuesday. Do you remember how to say Tuesday in Spanish? That’s right, it is Martes. You could teach someone in your house how to say all of the days of the week in Spanish by singing our song.🎶
Did that song wake you up? Let’s get started on today’s learning activities.
Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.
Here is today’s overview:
Yesterday you learned the ‘ee’ sound. Did you manage to think of lots of words that have this sound? Look at the pictures below, can you guess each ee word?
Watch and learn more about the ee sound.
Ask your child to think of a strategy to help them spell each new common word correctly. Can they sound out all of their new common words? They can sound out had and see but has is tricky. When we say the word ‘has’, the ‘s’ sounds like a ‘z’ so we can’t sound out this word. They can choose a different strategy that works best for them.
Once your child has written their sentences ask them to check that they have included their core writing targets.
Well done to all of the boys and girls who managed to play Sumdog yesterday. 15 of you have played so far. What an amazing effort Primary 1b! There is a little reward waiting for you all when you next sign in. Our class has now qualified. Now let’s see if we can make our way up the leader board.There are only 3 more days left to take part. Take your time and just try your best. You are awarded points for accuracy so think carefully about each question before you answer. Good luck Super stars!
Before we begin let’s get into character. You are going to be a pirate.
Start by saying Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
Next say Ahoy, Me Hearties!
Finally say Yo Ho Ho!
Now you are ready to begin. The pirates have some very wise words. Listen carefully to find out what always happens when you subtract.☠️
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Usually in class I get to display all of your wonderful work on the walls. I am always so proud of your work boys and girls and I know how happy you are when you see your amazing work on the wall. I might not be able to put your work up on the walls just now but instead I am going to be showing off your fantastic work on our daily blogs. I would love if you could email or tweet me any work that you are proud of.
Moving forward, any emails you wish to send can you please do so via my glow account-
Have a Terrific Tuesday boys and girls.😀
Miss McEleney❣️🌈🙂
Good morning!!!
I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s tasks. I know the healthy snack was a favourite of so many of you. I Loved all the pictures – your snacks looked amazing!
Yesterday was Monday so that means…
Yesterday some of you sent me some pictures of your work. I have attached these into your PowerPoint.
I have some more activities below for you to try – good luck!
Spanish Lesson 5 – Worksheet A
Spanish Lesson 5 – Worksheet B
Mrs Grant x
I hope you had a nice day yesterday.
From all of the pictures I have seen it is clear you are all working very hard.
Keep it up!
Some of you were in touch yesterday to confirm you were using the correct spelling words. I will send an email to everyone else today to ensure you are using the correct list.
Please write a phoneme story for your new sound. Lets see who can include the most words.
Please log on to Scholastic to access your book for this week.
All groups can use their book to complete the character profile below.
Choose your favourite character from the story. Write their name and draw a picture of them in the middle. Fill the boxes with facts about your character. This is just like the way we do it in class. If you can, write down the page number to show where you found each fact.
If you do not have access to a printer remember you can just complete the task in your jotter.
Character Description – All Groups
Today we are going to work on 2 digit addition.
Please watch the short video clip below.
Now click the link below to access your task.
Amber and Green:
Today we are going to work on the chimney sum method with regrouping.
Click the link below to access your task.
Remember the Sumdog competition is still live. Please log on to enter. Good Luck!
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
Have a lovely day primary 3!
Remember if you have any questions then please get in touch.
Take care.
Miss McMullen x
Good morning Primary 7,
How did you get on with yesterday’s tasks? Remember to send me any work that you have completed and I can have a little look at it.
To begin our day we will say the morning prayer.
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.
St. Barbara, pray for us.
Here is the link for today’s learning activities and some resources that you will find useful-
Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith tasks-
Tuesday 19th May- Health and Wellbeing
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
Tuesday 19th May- TIOF
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex
Have a terrific Tuesday boys and girls and remember if anyone would like to put an order in for a leavers’ hoody, and haven’t already done so, let me know and I will add your name to the list.
Mrs Butler
Good morning boys and girls,
I hope you are up, had your breakfast, made your bed and are ready to LEARN! 🌟
Did you all have a great day yesterday? I saw lots of delicious healthy snacks being made. I was so impressed!
This super star had a very busy day making this delicious healthy smoothie for her snack.
Well done Anna, looks super yummy! 🍓
I can’t wait to see what you will learn today boys and girls, so let’s get started!
We will begin as we always do by saying our morning prayer. 🙏🏼
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St. Barbara, pray for us.
Now say a special ‘Hail Mary’ for all the people who are sick in our world and for those caring for them.
Here is today’s suggested learning activities- Tuesday 19th May
Don’t worry if you don’t manage to complete all of these activities today, just try your best!
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone 😊
Take care,
Miss Shreenan 🌈💛
Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all well today and are ready for some new tasks and activities.
Let us start as usual with our morning prayer.
God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school. St Barbara Pray for us.🙏
Tuesday 19th May
Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’
Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!
When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!
Please email your Caring Wreath to Gw14connollymary@glow.sch or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter
Common Words
You have 3 new common words to learn today children. They are;
The first two words are quite easy boys and girls because you can sound them out, they look exactly the way they sound! When we say the word ‘has’, the ‘s’ sounds like a ‘z’ so we can’t sound out this word. We need to remember it is h-a-s.
So, write each word out 3 times. Now write a sentence with each word. Finally, copy these sentences down and put in the missing word.
If you have time you can make some rainbow words or pasta words or just use your magnetic letters to make the words again.
Boys and girls, I have copied a link to a lovely book that I thought you would enjoy. It is an audio book so you can listen to the story and read along where you can.
You can tell your mum and dad all about the story now. Remember, what happened at the beginning, what happened in the middle and what happened at the end of the story.
Tuesday 19th May
Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!
Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!
Today we are going to remind ourselves about symmetry. If something is symmetrical it is exactly the same on both sides. Like these pictures below.
Now I would like you to make this butterfly symmetrical! Remember to make the 2 sides exactly the same!
Now lets carry on practising our addition and subtraction.
Here is a game to help you practise your adding skills.
Now try these.
Now here is a snakes and ladders addition and subtraction board game for you to play.
I hope you all have a lovely day. Remember, only do what you can manage and have fun!
Mrs Connolly x