Maths Week @ St. Barbara’s


Monday 23rd September marks the beginning of Maths Week, Scotland.

There will be lots of indoor and outdoor maths fun this week for everyone to enjoy.

As part of maths week, there will be a range of competitions which staff will use for homework.

A sneaky peek can be found below!

Maths Tales



Lanarkshire Neurodevelopmental Information

Our Educational Psychologist has asked us to raise awareness of the Lanarkshire Neurodevelopmental Pathway site which can be accessed by parents/carers.

The waiting time for NDP is extensive; however there is a great deal of information on this site, in addition to workshops, which is very useful.

If you are interested, please click on the link below which will take you directly to the site.


New School Year: 2024/2025

We hope that you’ve all had a lovely summer (in spite of the weather!) and we’re looking forward to welcoming all of the children to school this week.

Wednesday 14th August

9am: Primary 2 – Primary 7

9.30am: Primary 1

Public Health Scotland: Measles


Now’s a good time to check your child is protected against measles


Cases of measles are on the rise. With the summer break just around the corner and the school term nearing an end, now is a good time to check if your child is fully vaccinated against measles.

We know that an infectious disease such as measles can spread easily in school-settings, especially for pupils transitioning from primary to secondary school in August, or moving school at any other time, when they’ll be mixing with lots of new young people.

The MMR vaccine is offered free by NHSScotland and is over 95% effective in protecting against measles. Measles can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. This is why it’s important to check your child has had two doses of the MMR vaccine.

It’s also important that your child is vaccinated against measles before you go on holiday this summer as cases of measles in some other parts of the UK and abroad are higher than they are in Scotland.

They should have had doses when they were a baby and before they started primary school, but it’s never too late to catch up if they missed a dose. You can find out how to check your child is fully protected at:

Vaccine Confidence & Equity Team

Public Health Scotland

St. Barbara’s Primary School: P.1 Induction Visits


Penny the Panda    

Dear Parents/Carers and Children,

A very warm welcome to St. Barbara’s Primary School! We are looking forward to your child and your family joining our school community shortly.

The transition process from Early Years to Primary takes place over several months and will include visits to see the children in their Early Years setting.

There are two sessions in school for parents and children to attend. Both sessions will run from 9.30am – 10.30am with the children going to class for activities while parents/carers remain in the hall for salient information.

Tuesday 14th May 2024

This session will include curricular information and a visit from our uniform provider, Logoxpres.

You are very welcome to look at uniform items and sizes – however you are under no obligation to purchase uniform from our supplier – you can buy from any retailer of your choice.

Tuesday 21st May 2024

This session will include practical arrangements for the new term in August and a number of guest speakers who will tell you more about the school community and Parish.

You will have an opportunity to hear from the school cafeteria team and the children will have a packed lunch to take away afterwards.

St. Barbara’s Primary 6 Buddies will be on hand to meet with the children and to introduce themselves to you also.

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