Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 6 October Reflective Post

Primary 6 have had a very exciting October, first of all we welcomed another teacher to our class for 4 weeks. Mr Ewing who has been working with the class and doing lots of exciting lessons with us.

We finished our class novel Tribes, we all loved this book and the ending was fantastic. We are now looking forward to starting 3 new novels in our different groups. We have been focusing on discursive writing in October and have been looking at some really important issues such as homework, animals in captivity and most recently fireworks. We enjoy looking at the positives and negatives of these issues and then build our own opinions on the subjects.

Lots of Halloween art and spooky stories also this month. We created our own silhouette haunted houses and made a story to go with it, this was really exciting. Mr Ewing also helped us make our own Halloween lanterns.

In Maths we have been working on addition and subtraction, using both mental and written strategies, we are working really hard with this.

We cannot wait for November as it is going to be a very busy month for our class.

Thanks for reading

Primary 6

Primary 6- September reflective post

Primary 6 have had a really fun September. We have been doing lots of fun tasks in class and learned lots of new things.

In maths we have learned all about place value and have now moved on to decimals which we have found a little more difficult but getting the hang of it now but we know we still need to practise. We are still reading our book Tribes and cannot wait to find out what happens next.

We have learned lots about the Scottish Parliament and have been trying to follow what has been going on down in Westminster with Brexit. We are looking forward to our visit to Holyrood in November to learn more about it.

Recently we have started our new topic about Endangered species and will be learning lots about climate change and how it is affecting our world. We have also just started Cricket for PE and are looking forward to our lessons in this sport.

Lots to look forward to in October!

Thanks for reading

Primary 6

Reflective Post Primary 6

Primary 6 are settling in well to their new class. We have been having lots of fun already and are looking forward to the rest of the year. We have a lot more responsibility this year and have been doing many jobs around the school.

We have started to work with the children from primary 6 in Mossend primary and will continue to do this all year by participating in the daily mile and workshops together. We have started a mini topic all about the Scottish Parliament and are really interested in whats going on in our country right now and are hoping to visit the Scottish Parliament later this term.

In Maths we have been focusing on place value but also know that we need to practise our times tables often as these are extremely important. We have started a new novel Tribes by Cathy MacPhail and so far we are really enjoying it and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Thank you for reading

Mrs Anderson and Primary 6