SAAS Application Workshops 2023

About this event

If you live in Scotland, intend to study at college or university and meet our eligibility criteria Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) will pay your tuition fees directly to your institution. Fees paid are non-repayable if you study in Scotland, but you must remember to submit an application every year. We also offer loans and bursaries to help support you with your living-costs.

Our key aim is to ensure that pupils and parents/carers have a good understanding about the funding available to them and how to access it, to enable them to make informed decisions about progressing into higher education. During this workshop, you will receive both our funding presentation plus assistance with updating/cancelling your course (if you need to) due to exam results.

Please ensure you have the following things for the workshop:

  • The name of the College/University and course you intend to study
  • National Insurance number, if applying for a student loan

Following our presentation you will have the opportunity to ask questions to help with your individual circumstances whilst completing your application.

The workshop will be hosted on MS Teams, joining instructions will be sent out prior to the event.

SAAS YouTube

SAAS Website

Student Information Scotland

Sign up here:

COPFS Speaking Competition

Congratulations to Layla & Phoebe, who were announced as the winners of the South Strathclyde, Dumfries & Galloway Sheriffdom  final of the COPFS Speaking Competition, presenting their speeches on why “We can’t have climate justice without climate reparations” . We are so proud of their dedication and hard work !
The girls are already preparing their speeches for the National Scottish Semi-Finals which will take place in May.

Holiday and INSET Day

The school is closed on Monday 1st May for all staff and pupils. Staff will return on Tuesday 2nd May for INSET with all pupils returning to school on Wednesday 3rd May. We hope everyone has a relaxing extended weekend.

Study Leave

Study leave for those sitting SQA examinations will commence on Monday 24th April and run until Friday 2nd June inclusive. All pupils will return to school on Monday 5th June to start their new timetable.

We wish all pupils the best of luck with their examinations, with a special mention to those who will be moving on to pastures new following the conclusion of the exam diet.

Children’s Wellbeing Survey

Over the next couple of months, all pupils will be asked to complete a wellbeing survey for NLC. Please find attached information regarding this.  If you do not wish your child to take part, could you please complete the form on the letter and return it to your child’s Pupil Support teacher.

Thank you

SDQ secondary letter for parents

Cumbernauld Academy Easter Revision School 3rd April -7th April

Cumbernauld Academy will be holding an Easter revision school from Monday through to Friday of next week, 3rd April-7th April.

Senior Phase pupils who will be undertaking N5, Higher or Advanced Higher Exams in the forthcoming exam diet will be invited to choose subjects from the Easter school revision timetable, the times of each session are given on this document. Please click on the link below to access this timetable.

Easter School Timetable 2023

Pupils will be asked to sign up for revision classes during an assembly on Wednesday.  Unfortunately pupils will require to organise their own transport to and from school as there will be no school transport available during this time.

S4/5 Option Interviews for Session 2023-24

Over the next couple of weeks the Pupil Support team will be conducting option interviews with our current S4/5 pupils who are due to move into S5/6 in June.

As you will be aware this is a very important time of the year for all the pupils and parents as it will not only determine courses for next session but it confirms the possible pathways for gaining future qualifications.

With this in mind and to help inform parents and pupils we have provided a copy of the S5/6 option form, a copy of the option information booklet which contains information on each subject available for S5/6, as well as  a copy of the FAQs.

Additionally there is a booklet detailing Foundation Apprenticeships on offer for next session.

Please click on the link below to access the appropriate details:

S5/6 Option Form (Draft) -2023/24

S5/6-Option Booklet -2023/24

NLC  Foundation Apprenticeship Booklet





Sustainability Committee

Cumbernauld Academy Sustainability Committee presents: New To You! From Monday 13th March, pupils can drop off items they no longer use at Mr McNamara’s room (F057). We are accepting: clothes for all ages/sizes (must be washed), accessories, sealed and unused cosmetics, games/toys, books/DVDs, home items. All items must be in good condition for someone else to use and love. On Thursday 23rd March at lunchtime, all pupils are invited to the hall to browse and choose a new item for free (depending on supply). There is no money involved and pupils will not be ‘buying’ items. This is not a shop or charity fundraiser, but a way of encouraging sustainable habits and reducing consumption. See Mr McNamara, Mrs Murray or Miss Small for more information.

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