Category Archives: Mull Class

Hello Mull Class

Gardening Job – sweeping

cooked pasta

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Wednesday morning in Mull class is a jass morning. As we are not able to get out and deliver any donations to the local food bank, why don’t you get outside and do some work in the garden. I have uploaded a sweeping job for the garden that the class regularly undertake in the school.

Wednesday afternoon is our Home Economics afternoon. This term we have been working on mixing and chopping skills. I have uploaded the pasta recipe that the class have been following each week.

By repeating the same recipe we become familiar with the words used in the recipe and the sequence of the instructions. This enables the pupils to anticipate the next step and develop their independence skills.

I usually cook off a couple of handfuls of pasta, for each pupil, and let it cool completely before we begin.

The boys could check out the calendar and select Wednesday to listen to the Wednesday song and the girls could do their sensory workout for Wednesday.

You could also read your book of the week.

And don’t forget about those functional and independence skills!

You could keep working on functional skills through a weekly chore and independence skill by organising and preparing own snacks.

Please remember that this is all completely optional and you can dip into the activities as it suits you!

Have a great Wednesday and keep safe and well.

Jennifer Moncrieff


Hello Mull Class

P.E Boys

P.E Girls

Writing Programme Instructions

Writing Programme Powerpoint

Hello everyone,

Tuesday morning is P.E. morning in Mull class. I have uploaded the P.E. programme that the boys have been working on and the P.E programme that the girls have been working on so that the programmes can be continued at home if it suits. The girls P.E. lesson is on a power point. If you play the slideshow and click on the links the music should work. Alternatively you can use your own music.

Every Tuesday afternoon Mull class work through their writing programme. I have uploaded our programme so that this can be followed at home too. Again, as it is a power point you will need to play the slideshow for the link to work.

Keep reading your book of the week every day and keep developing those functional skills and independence skills through daily chores and snack preparation.

All of the above is completely optional for you to dip into as you wish!

Have a great Tuesday everyone and stay safe and healthy.

Jennifer Moncrieff

Good morning everyone

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

I have uploaded the sensory workout that the girls would participate in each morning for the girls to continue at home if it suits.

I have adapted the calendar work that the boys would do daily. I have added in some songs. If you run the power point from the beginning and click on the link for that particular day, it should play a song for that day. The link only works if you run the slideshow from the beginning. I hope his makes sense!

Today would be our trampoline and rebound morning so if you have a trampoline at home try to get out for a bounce. Keep fit and active and practise those rebound skills.

This afternoon would be our jass afternoon in Mull class. If you are heading out for a walk you could try the leaf maths I have uploaded.

Remember you can choose a book of the week to read each day. This is building up recognition of characters, words from the story and the story line.

Work on those functional skills by setting a weekly chore. Could be washing the dishes or drying the dishes, setting the table or wiping the table, brushing the floor or collecting washing and loading the machine.

Keep developing those independence skills by preparing own snacks. Could be peeling, opening, slicing, cutting, spreading or pouring, depending on the snack.

All of the above is optional and just some tasks to keep up the good learning that has taken place in Mull class.

Have a fun day and keep safe and well.

Jennifer Moncrieff

Morning calendar work boys

daily sensory workout for the girls

Leaf Maths

trampoline active


Good morning Mull Class.

Good morning,

It is a lovely morning so if you have not been out already for your daily exercise yet make sure you get out for a long walk, scooter, cycle, run today. Keeping your fitness levels up and getting some natural light on your face and fresh in your lungs.

In the hope that this weather will continue for the rest of the day, I have uploaded one of our jass gardening jobs. blog gardening job

Keep well, stay safe and have a good day

Jennifer Moncrieff

Good morning Mull class.

Good morning Mull Class,

I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves safe.

I will upload class activities that you might want to try at home to keep up with the learning that has been happening in Mull Class this year.

Here are some activities that take place daily in Mull Class that you may want to establish at home.

  1. Get Active, stay active.

Get outside for a long walk in the fresh air.

As part of our jass work Mull class have been getting active and staying active. I know that at the moment we are all restricted to exercising once a day so try to get outside, hail, rain or shine, for a good long walk, scooter or cycle each day and keep those fitness levels up.

2. Book of the Week

Choose a book of the week and read the same story daily, building up familiarity of characters, words and lines in the story and what happens next.

Mull class have a book time twice a day. This consists of choosing a book and looking at it independently and sitting, looking and listening to a story being read. Keep this up by having some daily book time.

3. Chore of the Week 

Mull class have been working hard on their functional skills. This could be continued at home by setting a chore of the week. For example:

  1. Washing the dishes
  2. Drying the dishes
  3. Wiping the table,
  4. Setting the table
  5. Brushing the floor
  6. Collecting the washing and loading the washing machine

Choose one job and focus on that one job each day for the week.

4. Independent Snacks Preparation

Mull class have been working on their independence skills. This can be continued at home by preparing their own snacks. For example:

1, Collecting what is required for the snack – plate, cup, knife, bread, butter, drink

2. Opening, spreading, chopping, peeling, pouring etc. to prepare snack

3. Tidy up afterwards. Putting rubbish into the bin or plate and cup into sink.

I will upload jass work, my writing programme, home economics lessons and other learning activities that could be continued at home.

Keep well and stay safe.

Jennifer Moncrieff


Makaton signing

Hello to all pupils and families,

Some of our parents in Skye class asked for Makaton signs. We created a video for all to learn and practice the most frequent signs that we may use in class and school.😊
