I hope you all had a relaxing summer and enjoyed lots of quality time with your families. Alongside our school app, website and regular Twitter (X) updates, you will find some useful inform…
Welcome to Primary 2/1! I hope you all had a relaxing summer and enjoyed lots of quality time with your families. Alongside our school app, website and regular Twitter (X) updates, you will…
Welcome back to school everyone! My name is Mrs Kretowicz (Mrs K) and I’m the P4 teacher this year. I will be joined in class by Mrs McParland and Mrs Baez, the pupil support assistants. On…
This term, we will be focusing on personal writing, where we’ll sharpen our skills in expressive language, recounting personal experiences, and mastering the structure of our work. Our writ…
Welcome to our first Primary 7 newsletter. I am so excited to be back full time in Kilmacolm Primary School and it has been lovely to see so many familiar faces in class and to get to know …
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