Welcome back everyone!
Last week in Room 15 we were very busy …
“We had our Fun 31, I made a teddy holder and I used a Chromebook.” M
“We had hockey coaches visiting to teach us new hockey skills.” H
“We made Robert Burns’ art and painted a tartan background.” F
“We wrote poems in Scots using the Scots words we knew.” I
“We used the Chromebooks to make a slideshow about a famous Scottish person.” S
“We started our new number topic – multiplication.” D and M
“We started new novels in our reading groups.” I
“We won class of the week again at assembly.” ML
Our P4 showcase is on Thursday 6th February from 1.40-2.40pm we are looking forward to welcoming you into Room 15 in a few weeks.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Room 15