Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Directions 🧭/Access All Arts Week 🎭🎶


This week, Room 6 have been learning about directional language. After previously looking at left, right, forwards and backwards, we have now moved on to positions on a compass. We spoke about what compasses are used for and how they can help us find our way if we are lost or reading a map. We learned about the words ‘North’, ‘East’, ‘South’ and ‘West’ and practised some mnemonics to help us remember these, such as:

Never Eat Shredded Wheat

Naughty Elephants Squirt Water

We enjoyed using our understanding to make our own compass which we could take home with us. Have a look at some of our fantastic designs.

This week we are also participating in ‘Access All Arts’ week, where we can celebrate all things art. We are having a super focus on art, drama, music and dance, and are very lucky to be having visitors from Room 18 in on Thursday to teach us all about drama using our Toys topic.

We are also very excited because Room 6 are taking on the role of teachers for different classes in the infant corridors. We have been practising our music skills both yesterday and today so we can teach these classes all about body percussion. We have even moved the tables and chairs so that our classroom is all ready for our music workshops. We can’t wait!

Pupil Voice

Here are some comments from this week’s learning:

EM – I liked when we were showing our toy posters and brought home the folders to show our families our work.
EL – I liked when we did our compasses and I am excited for people to come into our class.
SJ – I liked making the compasses.
JR – I liked when we made the thank you cards. 
QO – I liked when we were learning about the compasses, I liked doing the toy posters and I am so excited for the other classes to come in.
RF – I liked doing the compasses and I liked doing the posters of the toys.
BrM – I liked doing the toy posters and I hope I get to show my toy poster. 
ND – I really liked showing the parents all of the work that we have done because we have put in lots of effort and I think the parents really liked it. 
Have a great Arts week everyone!

Room 6 and Mrs Rae 😊

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